18 Best SEO Tips

What is SEO? You all know that SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the basic thing that you must have to keep in mine when you create a site or blog. The traffic you get on your site is mainly the result of your SEO techniques. If you have a better knowledge of SEO you have greater chances to have more traffic on your site. You may have read hundreds articles on the topic of SEO and you may have watched so many videos on the topic of SEO as well as you must have read books on the topic of SEO and I know these SEO Tutorials must have helped you great in the process of SEO and you must have done well in connection of SEO with the help of these SEO tips. You must keep in mind that better the SEO for website the more traffic you will get on your site or blog.

But you must have in your mind that there is evolution in the field of Search Engine Optimization. There are new and new techniques in the field of SEO. You must have learnt one technique of SEO from one article or two or so. But today I m going to tell you about 18 tips about SEO. I hope you will get much from these mine tips as they are really so useful in connection with SEO.

How to become a Good learner of SEO?

It is not at fingers tips to be a master in SEO in days. You must have gather knowledge from various sources and the pieces of advice of the experts in the field of SEO. You can get knowledge about SEO on the internet that is the main source of information. You can attend lectures on the topic of SEO to be expert in SEO. There are so many videos about SEO on you tube, that can be great helpful for you. With the help of these I don’t assure you that you will become master in the field of SEO but you will at least have a better knowledge about SEO and you can handle your site or blog in a better way in connection with SEO. I hope you will get much knowledge about SEO from mine this little about SEO tips as I am also using these tips and I have gain better results. You will wonder that with the help of these techniques that I adopted mine site’s rank increased tremendously only in one month. I just started mine site in the end of June 2012. In the start mine site’s Alexa Rank was about 17,000,000 but I tried to use these techniques during the last month and after a laps of one month the Alexa Rank of mine sites promoted a great and its value on 25-07-2012 was 4032673 that was better about more than four times as it was it the time of initial stage of mine site. I hope you will also get better results from these techniques.


SEO Steps for Beginners & Advance Users:


These SEO tips are categorized in tow sections: First section is On Page SEO and the other section is about Off Page SEO.


On Page SEO Tips


1- Selecting a design for your website

It is also important in SEO point of view that you must have selected a design of your site that must be attractive and easily understandable for the visitors. There are many websites that have good material in them but the visitors are bored when they visit these sites. Often the background colours are so badly used  in these sites that the visitors soon fades up and leaves the site as he/she have to face a great difficulty to read the topics of the site. Some sites designs are so that the visitor cannot easily understands from where to start visiting the site or he faces the difficulty in finding the topics of the site. So I advise you to select those designs or themes for your site that are attractive and easily understandable for the visitors even they simple may be.

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2- Topics of Posts:

Select the best topics for your posts that are related to the most of the visitors. Keep in mind that the topics are powerful and they can impress the visitors in a better way. There are some times topics that are seasonal. It means these topics are visited by the visitors on special occasions and when that occasion is gone the search on these topics decreases. For example when there is news about the revision of pay scales or revision of allowances, the visitors on this occasion rush to the Search Engines and try to find the news about these topics. When all this is gone then the number of visitors on these topics decreases. There are many topics that are evergreen and they are the interest of many people of the world round the year. You can publish your topics on both these categories to increase the traffic of your site by the search engines.

3. Creating Great Content

Powerful contents of the article are the basic of the SEO. The contents of the article must be fresh and written in a better way. Search Engines give much importance to the articles that have great contents. Never copy the contents from the sites of others. This is very bad in point of SEO. The contents stolen from other site may create a great problem in future. That is why try to create your own articles. Another thing here to describe that the lengthy articles are more likely for Search Engines.  The minimum length of a article must be at least 300 words. If you have fewer words than 300 your article will be indexed in Search Engines but it is better to write long articles to come soon on the 1st page of the search engines. Here is another advantage of long articles that you can use more keywords if you have long article. You can use 4 % to 5 % key words of the total words of the article. Keeping in mind the above point try to publish lengthy articles in your site and never steal the articles of the others. You article must be attractive for the visitors. Use the best words of the language and the arrangement of sentences must be in sequence. Try your article be out of mistakes, mistakes of words, mistakes of grammar and other mistakes.

4. Keyword Research

After you have selected your topics you must have keep in mind that for the purpose of SEO you must have better keywords. What are Keywords? Keywords are the words that the visitors use to get information about your topic. There may be many key words for the same topic. The example of it is that for this topic of SEO, some people will type the word “What are the better SEO Tips”, some may type “SEO Tips” some may type “Better SEO techniques” and so on.

You have to select those key words that are being used on a large scale or those Keywords that have been used by the people in greater number. You can search these keywords from the Google Adword Keyword Research Tool“. It is better you login in this tool to get better results.

5- Selecting targeted Visitors

You can select the keywords according to a territory. As you know that your topic may be related to some particular area or may be to some particular nation. For this purpose you must have keep in mind the utility of your topic to a certain area or country. For this purpose you must have select those key words that are related to those areas or countries. For this purpose you can use Google Insights for Search.

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6- Implementation of Key Words

When you have selected t Keywords for your topic then the next step is to implement these Keywords in your post. Find the words in your topic and if there is necessary amend the words in your topic according to the Keywords you selected. Just Bold or Italic these key words in your topic.

7. Correct Usage of Headings

The headings also play a great roll in SEO optimization. Try to use the heading in your article in a better way and accurately. The title of the article is always in heading 1 (H1), subtitle is of heading 2 (H2) and other titles may be of Heading 3 H3. You can use the subtitle as H3 if it is lengthy so that the words don’t merge into each other. The subtitle is the title that comes at the top in the article.

8. Use Meta Description

TheMetadescription is the description that describes about your article salient points. You can write the summary of your article in the Meta Description. In wardress there is a plug-in called All in SEO One. Here is a heading of Meta Description. You have seen in the search of a search engine that there is detail given below the title of your search. This meta description is also a point of interest for the visitors. This is all that you have written ib the meta description of your post. There must be best words to describe your article so that the visitors find easily what they are in search of.

9. Insertion of Images in Articles

It is a very good technique to insert images into your article. It has a great impression for the search engines. Many visitors search images instead of normal search. If you have inserted images into your articles they will reach to your images by using image option. But remember there will be a fewer images in your articles. Generally 2 or 3 images are enough if your article is about 300 words. If you insert many images into your article this is very bad in point of SEO. Here is a option if you want to insert many images into your post you can use gallery option.

Another thing here to describe that the images you are inserting into your article must have a proper name according to the image. Use the best name of the image in Alt text option so that the visitors reach your image by this name. Thus the optimization of images is very necessary.

10. Include Videos in Articles

Including videos related to your article in your article is a very good technique. Make videos related to your site and submit these videos to YouTube and then embed these videos to your sites. When people search videos about a specific topic and they reach your video and get good information they will really like to visit your site. For example if your site is about Search Engine Optimization and you added a video about SEO in YouTube and there you shown the link of your site in that video then the visitors must rush to your site following the link you shown in your video in YouTube.

11. Interlinking within your website

Interlinking means that you link your article to other related pages of your site. This technique is also very useful for SEO. This technique helps the reader to read other pages of your site.


 Off Page SEO Tips


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 12. Submit Your Blog or Site to Search Engines

When you have published a few articles then submit your site to Search Engines. Minimum 10 to 20 articles are enough. There are so many search engines; the most popular of these search engines is Google Search Engine. The most of the traffic on your sites comes from Google Search Engine. We can say Google Search Engine as the King of Search Engines. After Google Search Engine, Bing or Yahoo is on second number. You can submit your site url to these above mentioned search engines manually.

There are also so many other search engines for submission of site to be indexed in these search engines. Try to submit your site in all the search engines. It is best to the point of web SEO.

13. Submit Sitemaps of your Site to Search Engines

Submitting the sitemap of your site to search engines is also a great part of SEO. When you have submitted your site’s map to various search engines then these search engines will index the map of your site after some time. These search engines sub a crawl to your site and these crawlers will check each point of your site. It is better you send the site map of your site to Google and Bing.

14. Connect with Social Media Sites

There are so many social media sites. You can register in these sites. Try to register in maximum social media sites. They will really give you a back link hence they will give your more traffic. Make fan pages in these sites and submit your every post in these sites. If the visitors of these sites like your link they will really rush to your site by following the link. For this purpose two or three links in a day or enough. The popular social media sites are: FaceBook, Google+, Twitter and Digg.

15. Submit your Site to Directories

Submit your site to various directories. These directories will give you back links that are the essential part of Google Page Rank. As you know Google Page Rank depends on the back links of your site. You can submit your link to directories manually or in an automated way. But I advise you to sub your link to the directories manually. It is better in point of best SEO.

16- Article Submission

Article submission is also a very good way to get precious back links for your site. Write healthy articles about the topics of your site and then submit them to article directories. This will only help you in getting back links but also can cause traffic for your site. But here is a point to ponder over that you must submit an article only in one directory. Never submit the same article to many directories. It is very bad in point of the best SEO and if you did this you will have to face the loss of this action.

17- Commenting on Do Follow Blogs

It is also a very good technique to comment on other sites. In this way you will only get back links but it will also increase traffic on your site. There are many Do Follow comments sites and there is option of the name, email and URL. You fill the name, email and put your URL there and submit your comment.

18- Join Forum Sites

Forum sites are a great platform to have back links as well as traffic too your site. I advise you to join as many forum sites as you can. By joining forum sites you will see how benefited these sites are in point of back links as well as traffic.



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