How to Improve Alexa Page Rank

Alexa Ranking is another scale of Ranking. It is a scale to measure rate of your site. It depends on the traffic of your site or blog and it may depend on some other unique factors. The higher the traffic of your site the greater the Alexa Rank of your site. You can increase your Alexa ranking by following the five easy tips in your site or blog.

Five Tips to increase your Alexa Ranking

1-      If you want to improve your alexa ranking you have to download alexa toolbar. It is friendly to increase alexa ranking. I have also installed alexa toolbar that have helped me much to increase my alexa ranking. You can download Alexa Toolbar from here free. It is very helpful to increase your alexa ranking. Most of webmasters use this tool to enhance their alexa ranking. Just try this tool and you see how much you have improvement in connection with Alexa Ranking.

2-      Alexa Widget: Install the Alexa Widget; it also helps to increase the alexa ranking of your site or blog. I have also installed it and it is so useful for mine alexa ranking. You can get alexa widget from here and you will see how it is helpful for alexa ranking. It is a very powerful tool. Many webmasters use it and it has helped them a great in increasing their alexa ranking. It is so easy to use alexa widget. Just get the code for alexa widget and paste it into your widget of text and save it. Use this widget in your site and then you will see what great change in your site Alexa Rank is.

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3-      Powerful Article Contents: The contents of your postings or articles attract the visitors. The better the contents of articles, the greater the visitors you have and more the visitors your alexa ranking is better. Try to write the article that have a great interest for the visitors. If you have posted great and visitors friendly articles, the visitors rush to your site and hence your site traffic increases and in this way not only your site alexa rank will  increase but also there are chances to increase of Google Page Rank. If you do this your alexa ranking will surely increased.

4-      Regularity in Posting: You have to regularly post articles of better contents regularly that is a great attractiveness for the visitors and they getter latest and more and more information and they visit your site or blog frequently as they see new post regularly. It also increases the alexa ranking. Try to post at least four or five articles in a week. It is so better for your website.  Try to be as regular as a bee.

5- If you write your site reviews on top rated alexa sites and you include your direct URL, it will also increase your Alexa Page Ranking. The top 500 domains in connection with Alexa Ranking can be found easily in the search engines.



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