Notification of Re-Designation of the Post of Stenographer BPS-16 as Assistant Private Secretary BPS-16

Finance Division Regulation Wing, Islamabad has issued Notification No. F.No.1(110) R-1/2012-124/13 dated 28th February 2013 regarding the Re-designation of the post of Stenographer BPS-16 as Assistant Private Secretary BPS-16.

The matter regarding Re-designation of the post of Stenographer BPS-16 as Assistant Private Secretary BPS-16 in the Ministries/Divisions/Departments has been considered in the Finance Division in consultation with Establishment Division. Finance Division conveys its concurrence to the re-designation of the post of Stenographer (BPS-16) as Assistant Private Secretary with immediate effect subject to the Uniform Recruitment Rules of ministerial posts. (A Post by Chaman Manasha & Sharif Gul)



See also  Notification of Ban on General Duty

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9 thoughts on “Notification of Re-Designation of the Post of Stenographer BPS-16 as Assistant Private Secretary BPS-16

  1. Dear Sir, First of all I, congrats on all the Stenographers who have been upgraded in BPS-16 and then great blessing of Almighty Allah that He has gifted us with Re-designation of the Post too. 2nd I request to move a case for Computer Allowance to All the Stenographers, Steno typists because they are working on computer and not facilitate and control all load work which not controlled by Date Entry Operator, Computer Operator.

    Allah Hafiz

  2. Salam

    First of all congrats on all the Stenographers who have been upgraded in BPS-16 and then great blessing of Almighty Allah that He has gifted us with Re-designation of the Post too. I have some queries relating to rules of maintenance of our Service Books, difference in pay scales & salaries and above all what are the change in duties and responsibilities. Until when we will be well aware of all the facilities this APS offers to us.

    Allah Hafiz

    1. Dear Sis Batool..! Assalam-o-Alaikum.
      This is Sharif Gul. I have read your comments on esteemed site of Miss Kamal. No doubt, its really a great blessings of Allah Almighty, but we have to also thankful to Mr Khalid Riaz, who initiated this case from up-gradation BPS-15 to BPS-16, then re-designation as Asstt Pvt Secretary. Now he is planing to file an appeal in FST for Computer Allowance. I hope, very soon and with the help of Allah Almighty, you will hear a good news.
      Your all questions will be answered by Miss Kamal (I believe). But I am sure, there will be no change in our duties/responsibilities. Facilities…….. ? What kind of facilities are you expecting? JUST HOPE FOR THE BEST MA’AM.
      With Regards,
      Sharif Gul

  3. Dear AoA…!

    How are you? Hope fine. Thanks for publishing the same. Would you like to tell me that after notification of Fin Div, we have to wait for another Notification from Est Div because the following wordings have been used:-
    “Subject to amendments in Uniform Recruitment Rules”
    It means, another condition has been placed in the path of Final Decision ๐Ÿ™
    Plz clarify and thanks
    With Regards

      1. AoA. Ok Thanks for reply. Now we are waiting for Official Orders in our Departments because Notification of Fin Div has not yet received so far…
        Any how, hope for best.
        Thanks again.

        Allah Hafiz


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