Thousands Vacancies of Lectures, Associate Professors and Professors through Punjab Public Service Commission

Punjab Public Service Commission has announced Thousands Vacancies of Lectures, Associate Professors and Professors.

Closing date for these vacancies is 18th May 2015. The summary of these vacancies is as under:

S. NoName of PostTotal Vacancies
Lecturers (Male)660
Lecturers (Female)1208
Associate Professors (Male)166
Associate Professors (Female)576
Professors (Male)53
Professors (Female)62
Medical Officers/Assistant Director/Deputy District Population Welfare Officer35


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Vacancies of Lectureres


Vacancies of Associate Professors



See also  Pakistan Railways (PR) Announced Jobs

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27 thoughts on “Thousands Vacancies of Lectures, Associate Professors and Professors through Punjab Public Service Commission

  1. dear mam, I want to k yeh Jo lecturer k against vacancies aai hn in mein govt employees age relaxation available he ya ni means Jo government employee having 35 years age can apply for lecturer post are not Plz reply I m in soo trouble

      1. Sorry madam…this was reply of my question or some one else …kindly explain ..M.Ed is professional education is it consider as m.a education…and kindly mention with my name..

  2. Madam there is no post for specific M.Sc AnthrSopology, is there any post for me like social work/Sociology or I am ineligible. Plz advise in this regards?thanks

  3. madam finally i gave found the formula for calculate exact pension of a retired employee
    EXP: Ur total service (30years) multiply with ur basic (35000) multi[ply with (7) then after calculating all these amounts, then divide it with 300 then u find the exact pension

    30*35000*7 then divide 300 then answer shall be 24500

    madam plz share ur views

  4. A.O.A madam you are doing great work for employees may Allah bless you.I am daily user of your web.Madam I am doing teaching job in Education department as SSE(CS) since 2011.I want to apply for lecturer post in PPSC my age is 35 years and four months can I apply for these posts?Any age relaxation policy for Govt.Employee?

  5. dear madam pifra k site me salary registration 1 mah se band he kiya waja he mujhe koy tariqa bata de me kay martaba try kar chuka hu
    thanks alot


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