Notification of Declaration of Assets Held and Acquired by Government Servants 2016-17

Government of Pakistan, Establishment Division has issued Notification No. No.2/1/2013-D-4 dated 05-07-2017 in connection with Notification of Declaration of Assets Held and Acquired by Government Servants 2016-17. Detail is as under:

The undersigned is directed to refer to Rule 12 of the Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1964 and administrative instructions issued by the Establishment Division from time to time, on the subject cited above and to request to obtain declarations of assets and liabilities by August 15, 2017, for the year ending on June 30, 2017, from the officers/officials serving under them, on prescribed proforma (copy attached) which is also available on website “” of the Establishment Division.

Establishment Division maintains the record of declaration of assets of PAS,PSP, Secretariat Group and OMG officers. Therefore, the declarations of the officers belonging to these Groups should be forwarded to this Division. Officers of these Groups serving under Provincial Government may send an advance copy of their declaration to this Division to avoid delay. The declarations of assets in respect of all other Service Groups/Cadres will be maintained by their respective Ministries/Divisions/Departments.

Non-compliance of the above instructions tantamount to misconduct in terms of the Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1964 and cognizable under the Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973. The declarations of assets of the officers are also required to be placed before the Promotion Boards in compliance of judgment of the Honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan.

A certificate to the effect that such declarations have been obtained from all employees other than those under administrative control of Establishment Division should be forwarded to the Establishment Division by 15 September 2017, positively.

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Declaration of Assets Held and Acquired by Government Servants

Assets Held and Acquired by Government Servants


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