Re-Designation & Upgradation of Patwari & Kanungo Posts as Revenue Field Assistant & Field Supervisor Revenue

Board of Revenue Punjab (Establishment Ministerial Branch) has written a letter to all the Deputy Commissioners in the Punjab in connection with Re-Designation & Upgradation of Patwari & Kanungo Posts as Revenue Field Assistant & Field Supervisor Revenue. Detail is as under:

Upgradation of Patwari & Kanungo Posts


The Chief Minister Punjab has been pleased to approve the proposal of the summary at para 13/ante. Proposal contained at para 13 (b) is reproduced as under:


Sr No Proposal of Board of Revenue, Punjab Recommendations by the Committee
1 After such capacity building, the post of Patwari (BPS-09) may be upgraded and re-designated as Revenue Field Assistant (BPS-10), and the post of Kanungo (BPS-11) May be re-designated as Field Supervisor Revenue (BPS-12), Financial impact involved in this regard is of Rs. 11.032 million per annum. In principal it was agreed that after training and capacity building, the existing revenue field administration will be re-organized on modern lines.


In view of the above you are requested to recommend the names of two patwaris or Kanungos with complete particulars from each tehsil, under your jurisdiction as Master Trainer, having minimum qualification of F.A and maximum age 45 for the said purpose within two days positively. Only those Patwaris. Kanungos may be preferably  recommended who already have basic understanding and knowledge of operating computer.


Special thanks to Mr. Mushtaq Malik & Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the letter of Re-Designation & Upgradation of Patwari & Kanungo Posts as Revenue Field Assistant & Field Supervisor Revenue.

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Upgradation of Patwari & Kanungo Posts


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