Surrendering of Staff by District Health Authorities

Government of the Punjab, Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department has issued Notification on 12-07-2019 in connection with Surrendering of Staff by District Health Authorities. Detail is as under:

I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that it has been brought to the notice of Competent Authority that medical / paramedic / allied health professionals posted by this department in different healthy facilities, are being surrendered / repatriated by the various District Health Authorities on account of certain charges/grounds including inefficiency and  absence from duty, instead of proposing to initiate disciplinary proceedings against them by the competent authority, whereas, whereas, it is prerogative of the Competent Authority to post / transfer the officers/ officials at different health facilities, therefore, only the same authority can transfer / withdraw the services of such officers / officials, Moreover, attention is invited towards Section 2(g)(K)(n) of the PEEDA Act, 2006, which provides details description of corruption, inefficiency and misconduct to be allowed by the authority concerned for initiation of disciplinary proceedings against any accused. Further details at the copy of the Notification.

Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan & Rana Jamil Arif for sending the copy of the Notification of Surrendering of Staff by District Health Authorities.

District Health Authorities

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