Regular Promotion Assistant Accounts Officers as Accounts Officers BPS-18

Government of Pakistan, Office of the Controller General of Accounts has issued letter on 07-08-2019 in connection with Regular Promotion Assistant Accounts Officers as Accounts Officers BPS-18. Detail is as under:

Regular Promotion Assistant Accounts Officers BPS-17 as AO BPS-18


The competent authority has desired to convene the meeting of Departmental Promotion Committee regarding promotion of Assistance Account Officers (B-17) of CGA Organization as Account Officers (B-18) in accordance with Recruitment Rules of 2014, It is requested to provide updated “Seniority List”    of Accounts Officers and Assistance account Officers along with a certificate that there is no dispute/legal Proceeding against seniority lists. Besides, please furnish working paper for promotion of the eligible Assistance Account officers (BPS-17) of your office at the earliest, but not later than 19.08.2019, incorporating therein the following information:

  • Clear vacancy position of accounts Officers in your Office.
  • Vacancy roaster /detail of vacancies along with documentary evidences in support thereof.
  • ACRs (in Original) of the potential assistance Accounts Officers for last five year i.e. from 2014 -2018 along with synopsis thereon. ACRs of the officers to be considered for promotion may be submitted in line with the guidelines issued vide Establishment Division OM dated 14.01.2015.
  • Certificate to the effect that no dictionary /NAB cases are in process/pending against the officers proposed for promotion.



Regular Promotion Assistant Accounts Officers


See also  Notification of Grant BPS-17 to Superintendents of the Federal Govt

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