Issuance of Seniority List lady Health Supervisors & Lady Health Workers (LHS & LHW)

Directorate General Health Services Punjab has issued Notification on 03-09-2019 in connection with Issuance of Seniority List lady Health Supervisors (LHS) & Lady Health Workers (LHW). Detail is as under:


Seniority List lady Health Supervisors LHS and LHW


In continuation of this Directorate letter No,PF-845/AHP, dated 16.05.2019, on the subject cited above.

  1. You are required to implement the following instructions in true letter and spirit regarding to maintain the seniority list of of your District, under intimation to this Directorate.

.  Tentative seniority of LHSs & LHWs of your respective District must be displayed and circulated among the relevant employees w.e.f 05-09-2019.

. You should consolidate the objection/ grievances against tentative seniority list to be by 20.09.2019, if any.

. The final seniority list of LHSs & LHWs to be notified / circulated on 23.09.2019 after resolving the objection / grievances.

  1. Working paper for the promotion of all LHSs / Lady Health Workers to be prepared by 25-09-2019 alongside, a the afore depicted process.
  2. Meeting of Departmental Promotion Committee for the above mentioned cadres to be scheduled on 30.09.2019 vide Movement of the Punjab, S&GA Department Notification No. SOR-III(S&GAD)2-15/87(PI), dated 19.01.2018 (Copy enclosed).
  3. Notification for promotion of the above mentioned cadres to be issued on 03.10.2019.


Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Notification of Issuance of Seniority List of LHS & LHW.


Seniority List lady Health Supervisors

See also  Notification of Determination of Length of Service in Case of Repeaters

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