Promotion of Primary School Teachers as EST (Science)

Government of the Punjab, School Education Department has issued letter on 24-09-2019 in connection with Promotion of Primary School Teachers as Elementary School Teachers (Science). Detail is as under:


I am directed to refer the subject cited.

  1.   I am further directed to state that complaints are being received from teachers that Punjab School Education Department (School Education) service Rules, 2014 are not being followed in letter & spirit while giving promotion against the post of Elementary School teachers (Science).
  2. In some districts, PSTs having qualification of B.Sc. with subjects (Chemistry, Zoology or Botany) are not being considered eligible for promotion as EST (Sci).
  3. As per Punjab School Education Department (School Education) Service Rules, 2014 the criteria observed for the promotion against the post of EST (Sci) as under:

 EST (Science)

  1. B.Sc. (2nd div) in Zoology, Botany or Chemistry from a recognized University: and
  2. Med, MA (Edu) or B.Ed. (2nd div) from a recognized University.

 EST (Math)

  1. Sc. (2nd div) in Math-A & B Course and Physics from a recognized University.
  2. Med, MA (Edu) cr B.Ed. (2nd div) from a recognized University.
  3. In view of above it is clarified that a Primary School Teacher having BSc with combination in any one of the subject i.e. chemistry, Botany or Zoology is eligible for promotion as Elementary School Teacher (Science).

Special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Qadeer for sending the copy of the letter of Promotion of Primary School Teachers as Elementary School Teachers (Science).


Promotion of Primary School Teachers

See also  Notification of Regularization of Computer Operators of DAO DG Khan

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