Notification of Upgradation Lady Health Supervisors and LHW Health Department Balochistan

Government of Balochistan, Health Department has issued Notification on 20-11-2019 in connection with Upgradation Lady Health Supervisors and LHW Health Department Balochistan. Detail is as under:

No.SO-II/ (H)/17-76/2019/ 852 /. With prior approval of the Competent Authority, the Government of Health Department is pleased to approve service structure/up-gradation of the posts of Lady Health Supervisor and Lady Health Worker with immediate effect as below.


Upgradation Lady Health Supervisors and Lady Health Workers Balochistan


S# Name of The Post Number of post Existing Pay Scale Up graded pay scale   Number of posts
1. Lady Health Supervisors 257 BPS-07 50% BS-10 129
35% BS-12 90
15% BS-14 38
2. Lady Health Worker 6720 BPS-05 55% BS-05 3696
40% BS-07 2688
5% BS-09 336


The Up-gradation of pay scales may be subjected to the following conditions as mentioned at the copy of the Notification of Upgradation of LHSs and Lady Health Workers Health Department Balochistan.  Special thanks to Mr. Qalandar Raza for sending the copy of the Notification.


Upgradation Lady Health Supervisors and LHW




See also  Notification of Promotion of Inspectors to the Rank of DSPs Punjab

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