How Much Salary Pay Increase in Budget 2020-21 for Employees?

Fiscal Budget 2020 is expected to be announced during the 1st or 2nd week of June but the main question is that How Much Salary Pay Increase in Budget 2020-21 for Employees?  There is not yet final for the pay/pension increase for employees and pensioners.


How Much Salary Pay Increase in Budget 2020-21?


The rumors regarding the increase in salaries for the Government employees start nearly from March every year.  Most of the rumors you see in various newspapers. I am also keeping an eye on these all news. As these are just news so I always try my best not to share on my website. I just share such type of news on my page to compare what different newspapers increase the salary. Whether the Government increases or not the salary, but these papers always increase the salary to just make happy the employees for just a day or so.  But in the end the result is that only 5 or 10% of salary and pension enhances.

Many newspapers this year too did so. Some newspapers even enhanced the pay from 30% to 50%. A few newspapers not only enhanced the salary but also house rent allowance as well as medical allowance.  They also mentioned that there are chances for the Revised Basic Pay Scales 2020. Even some papers mentioned that there will be no salary increase in the coming budget due to the financial problems and the COVID-19 spread in the country. Now an employee what to believe?

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The best thing to do is to wait just for the Budget Announcement Date 2020-21. The final decision can employee can see or watch at the budget speech. Even just before the budget, you see that there are various news channels showing the different rates of salary enhance.


How Much Salary Pay Increase in Budget 2020-21 for Employees


How Much Salary Enhancement Chances This Year?


This is not final and is just an expectation that there are chances to revise the Basic Pay Scales 2020-21 by merging Adhoc Relief allowances for the year 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. Adhoc Relief Allowances 2017 to 2019 are on the current basic pay while of the year 2016, the Government has already frozen.  After revision the pay scales, there are chances that the Government may enhance a 10 to 20% salary for the employees.  You can see that one of the prominent department has already requested for an increase in 20% allowance as well as revision of Basic Pay Scales 2020.


Why Pay / Pension Should Increase?


It is not a question to ask and not need to tell the Government authorities? The higher authorities know well the reason for the same. They also know the condition of the employees especially the lower grade employees. They know all but for those employees who work around them and always favours them with various bonuses when they know that it is very hard to live for them with this small salary.  The authorities, who prepare the budget or give a proposal for budget, should also look at the other employees too. All know how it is possible to rent a house in just 1500, 2500, or even at 4500 rupees.

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Employees are facing many difficulties regarding the medical treatment of themselves and their families who are just getting Rs. 1500/- per month as Medical Allowance. The list of the difficulties/issues related to the salary for the employees is too big. Prime Minister of Pakistan already promised the employees that they should wait for a couple of years. Now it is the right time to enhance the pay and pension of the employee and pensioners. Govt should increase a reasonable pension too.


Your Proposal / Points


You can mention your points at the comments below in this regard so that others can see your point of view too.

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5 thoughts on “How Much Salary Pay Increase in Budget 2020-21 for Employees?

  1. Muhammad Rasheed Iqbal · Edit

    Aslam o alaikum.
    Govt should take strict decision to collapse the discriminations between the salaries of employees of being in same scale.
    A brief overview of points of discrimnation of punjab govt employees salaries is as under:-
    1. Utility Allowance permissible only to Secretariate employees.
    2. Executive Allowance only paid to Commissioned Officers.
    3. Technical Allowance @1.5TIMES of running basic pay is only admissible to sub engineers / engineers.
    4. House requistion allowance.
    5. Dress allowance @3000/pm only for Nurses.
    6. Mess allowance @8000/pm also only for nurses.
    7. Various allowances for doctors and Judiciary, etc.
    8. Computer allowance not allowed for computer operators but allowed for key punch operators and later post has been abolished but any government felt never to allow the computer allowance to the right people i.e Computer Operators.
    9. A number of technical.posts exists there but technical allowance is only for one cadre as mentiied above.

  2. With Advance Apology to all
    IF Govt ensure the following
    1. Petrol rates Rs. 82 till June 2021.
    2. Decrease the rates of Electricity due to decrease in fuel rates and apparent fraud traced in power sector
    3. Decrease the rates of Local and Intercity Transport.
    4. Decrease the Railway fares.
    5. Offer bank loans to employees on 5 to 6 percent interest and no KIBOR from employees, 5 to 6 percent for bank own.

    Then Govt does not need to increase the salary and utilize the amount for the betterment of general public

      1. I requested that:-

        1. Upgrade the Federal Clerical Staff as per Province anology.
        2. All adhoc increases should be merged, revise basic pay and after revision increase 20%.
        3. HRA should be revised as per 2017 basic pay instead of 2008.
        4. Utility Allowance 20% should be given to all employees.
        5. Conveyance allowance should be increase 50%.


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