Latest News Updates of Salary Increase for Employees in Budget 2020-21

Every employee wants to know about the updates of salary Increase for Employees in Budget 2020-21. They are reading/listening to the news nearly every day.  No news is yet confirmed and news are news. One day they read in newspapers that the Government will increase salary @ 50% but just on the next day, they read that Govt does only a 5% increase in salaries. Even they also read and hear that there will be no increase in pay and pension of the employees due to COVID-19. They also know that all will be final on the day of the announcement of Budget 2020-21 Federal Govt.  The employees will have to focus on this day of budget speech 2020 in the National Assembly. This speech will be nearly the final one for them even some times Govt also changes the salary that is announced in the Budget Speech.

As far today, they have been different news in the newspapers in connection with the salary increase of the Government Employees.  According to previous days newspapers the salary they published to be increased at the following rates:


  • 05%
  • 5%
  • 10%
  • 15%
  • 20% plus pay scale revise
  • 50%


But the most powerful news is the 20% increase in salaries plus Revised Pay Scale 2020. Government employees should have to know that these are only news and such kind of news they hear before the budget every year.


Latest Updates of Salary Increase in Budget 2020-21


See also  Budget 2021-22 Punjab Govt and Salaries of Employees

I am here publishing the Latest News Updates of Salary Increase for Employees in Budget 2020-21. The screenshot I have taken from the Daily Dunya dated 4th June 2020.

According to this newspaper Government of Pakistan could not succeed yet to finalize the increase in salary for the Government employees of Pakistan.  They could not decide in three meetings. The ministers had different opinions regarding salary increase in budget 2020-21. Ministers, politicians, and officers have decided to approve Prime Minister of Pakistan the salary increase in the meeting headed by the PM of Pakistan.

In Punjab in the previous three meetings proposed a 5% increase in salary instead of 10% and even no increase in salaries.


News of Three Proposals


In Federal the following three proposals the newspaper mentioned:


  1. No increase in salary but an increase in certain allowances
  2. 5% increase in salaries for the Government employees
  3. 7% increase in pay and a 10% enhancement in pension.


According to the Finance Division, there are different proposals for the employee’s salary enhancement in the coming Budget 2020-21. No proposal yet they have final.  Let’s see what they decided in the coming days. Good Luck with the Government employees of Pakistan.  (Mr. Aamir Randhawa)



Latest News Updates of Salary Increase for Employees in Budget 2020-21

11th June 2020 News

(Mr. Hamid Hussain)



Updates 10-06-2020 Successful Discussion Between IMF and Govt


According to the Daily Jang dated 10th June 2020, the both IMF and Government of Pakistan agreed to increase salaries of the Government employees of Pakistan. They also agreed to enhance pension for the pensioners. According to sources, there are chances for a 15% increase in salary and 10% in pension.

See also  Grant of Conveyance Allowance during Leave including LPR and Vacations

In the same way daily express dated 10-06-2020 breaks the same news but not the percentage of salary /pension raise. The Dunya News also shared the same news regarding raise in pension and salary.


IMP and Pay

Express and Salary

Dunya News and Pay Pension

Updates as on 9th June 2020


According to the Daily Jang dated 09-06-2020, the Government is facing difficulty in deciding the increase in pay for the employees. There is a proposal to delay the increase in salary till September 2020 or they may increase only the allowances for the Secretariat Employees.


Employees Salary Updates 2020


Various Pay Updates dated 07-06-2020


Daily Aaj dated 7th June 2020 published that Government has declined to decrease salaries for the employees @ 20%. According to news, IMP is urging to decrease the salaries of the employees but according to the latest news Government of Pakistan has refused to do so. In the same way, Daily Dunya 07-06-2020 has also mentioned the same report.


Daily Aaj Salary

Daily Dunya Dated 7th June 2020 Pay Increase


Latest News Pay / Pension/ Pay Scales as on 6th June 2020


The government has decided to make IMF trust and increase the salaries of the Government employees of Pakistan. They will decide about the merging of Adhoc relief allowances and introducing Revised Pay Scales 2020. There are also chances that the Government may eliminate the special allowance to Secretariat Employees if the policy of Uniform pay and allowances they implement.


Latest News Pay Scale Revise 2020


Salary News Updates as on 05-06-2020


IMF has demanded the Government of Pakistan, not to raise the salaries of the Government employees in the Budget 2020-2021. However, the government wants to enhance the salary from 10 to 15% and pension 10%. (Mr. Zafar Khan)

See also  30% Social Security Benefit and Special Protocol Allowance on 2022 Pay Scales


Salary Updates 5th June 2020

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6 thoughts on “Latest News Updates of Salary Increase for Employees in Budget 2020-21

  1. PTI is actually a nightmare for Pakistan came into force by vitue of new Pakistan. It has nothing but embezzlement of funds either accumulated in the name of Dam funds or Corona Financing from other countries. But have nothing to pay in the name of rise in salaries. Even govt employees are most suffered from such dammed inflation contributed by PTI Govt. Allah bless our Pakistan. Ameen

  2. Salaries increase of less than 40 % would death of PTI and IK morality and leadership.
    Then next year would be 110% election year. Everyone will start supporting Mol. Fazal ur Rehman on Dharnas


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