Notification of FBISE Special Annual Examination 2020

Federal Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Islamabad has issued Notification on 17-07-2020 in connection with FBISE Special Annual Examination 2020. The details are as under:


FBISE Special Annual Examination 2020

It is hereby notified for the general information of all concerned that the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Special Annual Examination, 2020 of the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Islamabad, shall commence with effect from Wednesday, 23rd September 2020.

  1. The last date for receipt of admission forms/list in the Board’s Office is 10th August 2020:-




  1. Those Institutions/candidates who mail/post their admission forms/lists to the Board must dispatch them at least three days before the last date specified above to avoid rejection of admission form(s).
  2. All those regular and ex/private candidates who are not satisfied with their SSC-II results are eligible to apply in the SSC special Annual Examination 2020.
  • All the heads of affiliated institutions are requested to ensure that the particulars of candidates on the admission forms are recorded on the basis of registration cards. The admission list will not be entertained/accepted without registration number(s).
  1. The institutions and ex-private Candidates of Gilgit-Baltistan (Gilgit/Skardu) should submit their admission forms/lists to FBISE’s Sub-Offices Gilgit &Skardu, as per schedule.
  2. No fresh Candidates is allowed to appear in Special Annual Examination 2020.


Mode of Submission for Regular Candidates


The relevant field(s) of the Admission form (in a soft form) placed on the FBISE website for candidates will be filled in letter and spirit by the institution within given due dates. No hard copy of the admission form of SSC-II regular Candidates shall be submitted by the institution(s). Institutions shall only forward the computerized generated list of candidates including candidates name, registration numbers, Roll No(s) of SSC Annual Examination 2020, covering letter duly signed and stamped by Principal along with original result cards of candidates of SSC Annual Examination 2020 for cancellation within given due dates to the Controller of Examinations (Conduct) by post/or at one window cell of FBISE. In case of any difficulty in data entry, please contact the number i.e. 051-9269516 and 051-9269514.

See also  Final Date of Announcement of SSC-I and HSSC-II Annual Result 2022 FBISE


Mode of submission for ex/private candidates


The Ex-Private candidates of SSC-II who are not satisfied by their result of SSC Annual Examination 2020 should fill in only the required fields in the online admission form available on FBISE website and submit the hard copy of computerized admission from within given due dates along with original result card of SSC Annual Examination 2020 for the cancellation to the controller of Examinations (Conduct) by post or at One Window cell of FBISE. These admission forms will not require any attestation.


FBISE Special Annual Examination 2020


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