BISE Lahore HSSC-II Annual Result 2020

The final date of BISE Lahore HSSC-II Annual Result 2020 has already the Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Lahore has declared. The Intermediate Part-II Annual Examination Result 2020, all the Education Boards will declare on the same day simultaneously.


BISE Lahore HSSC-II Annual Result 2020


The Date, Day, and Time for the declaration of HSSC Annual Exam 2020 result for Lahore Board are as under:


Sr. NoDay         DateTime
1Tuesday22nd September 20201700 HRS


The students can check their Lahore Board Intermediate Annual Result 2020 by the following means:


  • Check Online Result


  • Send Roll via SMS


  • Gazette Result CD


Before this on 19th Sep 2020, all the BISEs in Punjab have announced the SSC Annual Result. Now the students of class 2nd Year are anxious to know about their FA/FSc etc Result. The Boards have to announce the same weeks ago as did the Federal Board Islamabad but could not do so. This made the students sad and worried as they had to get admission in higher classes /universities.

Most part of the time of the session 2020-21 has gone.  Normally the boards declare the annual exams result in July or August and students had much time to get admission to higher classes and prepare for the classes. But only this year this could not happen. The most important reason for this delay is the COVID-19 spread all over the world. The Boards could not make it possible to give exams and the boards had to prepare results on the basis of the previous performance of the students.

See also  BISE Faisalabad SSC-I Annual Result 2022 Check Online

2nd reason the same was to declare the result of Matric (SSC). When the boards announced the same SSC result, the boards then decided to announce the result of the 2nd Year 2020 for all Punjab. Be ready for the result and good luck to all the students.



BISE Lahore HSSC-II Annual Result 2020


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