AIOU Scanned Handwritten Assignments are Acceptable

As per the instructions of the Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad, AIOU Scanned Handwritten Assignments are Acceptable. The details and instructions are as under:

AIOU Scanned Handwritten Assignments Autumn 2020

As we shared information on 28 December 2020 and also after taking full confirmation from higher authorities. The AIOU hereby informs all LMS students that scanned hand-written assignments the University will also accept in the autumn 2020 semester. Students must have to write their name, roll number, course code, assignment no., tutor name on every first page of assignments, and roll number on the top of every page. Please be sure that PDF file resolution is clear and not blurred.

                       However, composed assignments in Microsoft MS Word is the first priority so those who can type, have to prepare assignments in MS Word and directly upload a .docx file on LMS portal when uploading is activated.


                        2) LMS programs students having roll numbers starting with CC please note that their login credentials are not yet available so they should wait for a few days.


AIOU Scanned Handwritten Assignments

So the students must follow the instructions of the University in their interest. They read all the instructions carefully and submit the assignments as per the above instructions.

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