Upgradation Case of LHS, LHW, Account Supervisor, FPO and Drivers of Health Department

Government of the Punjab, Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department has issued a letter on 19-03-2021 in connection with the Upgradation Case of LHS, LHW, Account Supervisor, FPO, and Drivers of Health Department. The details are as under:


Upgradation Case of LHS, LHW, Account Supervisor, FPO, and Drivers


The employees of the National Program of Family Planning & Family Healthcare have staged a sit-in since 12.03.2021 in front of Punjab Civil Secretariat, Lahore to get their demands fulfilled especially up-gradation of various posts of the Program as under:


Sr. No Designation Existing Pay Scale Demanded Pay Scale
1 Lady Health Supervisor BPS-10 BPS-14
2 Lady Health Worker BPS-05 BPS-07
3 Account Supervisor BPS-07 BPS-14
4 Field Program Officer BPS-17 BPS-18
5 Driver BPS-04 BPS-06



2. A committee under the Convenorship of your good self has already been constituted by the Worthy Chief Minister Punjab vide order no. PS/PSCM(CMO)(D)-19/OT-41,3920, dated 21.03.2019(Flag-A). In a meeting held on 19th March 2021 under the chairmanship of the Chief Secretary, Punjab, it was decided to put up these demands for consideration.

                    You are requested to place the demands of the National Program Health Employees Association Punjab before the Committee to examine/determine the demands especially up-gradation of the posts of the Program and forward its recommendations to the Competent Authority.


Upgradation Case of LHS, LHW, Account Supervisor, FPO and Drivers of Health Department



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