Grant of NOC / LIEN to Adhoc Employees / Contract Employees

Directorate of Elementary and Secondary Education Khyber Pakhtunkhawa Peshawar issued a Notification on 30-09-2022 in connection with the Grant of NOC / LIEN to Adhoc Employees / Contract Employees. The details are as under:

Grant of NOC / LIEN to Adhoc Employees / Contract Employees

I direct to refer to the subject noted above and ask you to issue NOC to Adhoc /Contract teachers to join the new higher scale post if they applied for the same through the proper channel under West Pakistan Civil Service (Applications for Posts) Rules 1957.


Civil Servants


                I further direct to state that according to sub-section 1 (b) of Section 2 of the NWFP Civil Servant Act 1973 a person who got employment on a contract or on work charged basis or is paid from contingency is not a civil servant. Hence lien of Civil Servants cannot either be transferred or retained if they joined the post on a contract basis.

From the above facts of the KP Government, the following employees are not civil servants:

  • Contract employees
  • Work Charged Basis Employees
  • Employees paid from contingency


What the KP Regular Teachers to do if they Apply for a Contract Job?


                In view of the above, the in-service regular candidates who wish to join the post of district teaching cadre on a contract basis, the department should allow subject to the condition that either they shall resign from their existing post or get leave without pay. However, they will only hand over the charge after the sanction of leave without pay (EOL).

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letter of the then Government of North Western Frontier Province, Schools & Literacy Department No. PA/DS/S&LD dated Peshawar the 15th September 2005).

Keeping in the above statements, if the regular teachers want to apply for a contract job, they will have to do the following:

  • They will have to give a resignation or
  • They will have to get a Sanction of Leave without Pay



Grant of NOC LIEN to Adhoc Employees Contract Employees

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