Computer Science Lecturer Jobs in PAF College Sargodha

There are available teaching vacancies for Computer Science Lecturer Jobs in PAF College Sargodha. PAF is a very known ad disciplined institute. It is known for its elite teaching faculty. It trains its staff in the best way and administers the management well. Candidates who love to work on the computer and train their students are required. Colleges need Computer Science lecturers to train their students. As its one of the compulsory subjects to meet the latest development in technology.

Teaching Vacancies Computer Science Lecturer Jobs in PAF College Sargodha


PAF Sargodha needs vigilant, experienced, and qualified lecturers. All candidates seeking to work in the dynamic and inspiring work environment are invited to apply. College administration welcomes applicants who meet the requirements of the advertisement. This is a golden opportunity to be a part of the elite teaching faculty of the college.


Computer Science Lecturer for PAF College


PAF Sargodha is a well-known institution for training Air force students. It serves as one of the best colleges of PAF. It advertises a vacancy for a Computer Science Lecturer. All master degree holders can apply and join college administration.


Name of post Qualification Age limit
Computer science MCS/BCS 25-35 years

Eligibility Criteria


Candidates must fulfill these conditions. Because they will receive incentives too with their salary and to serve in their best way.


  1. Age Limit: The age limit of candidates is 25-35 years. Female candidates can also apply.
  2. Nationality: Applicant must be a Pakistani National.
  3. Qualification: Applicant must have Masters degree in Computer Science or BCS.
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Mandatory Requirement


  1. Candidate must be medically fit.
  2. Candidate must have good communication in English.
  3. Personality traits are suitable for residence in college.


Advantages to Serve as Lecturer PAF


All selected candidates will receive:


  1. Handsome Salary Package
  2. Receiving Provident Fund
  3. Medical Facilities
  4. Residence.
  5. Special purpose Short Service Commission in PAF as a Flying officer


Tests Required  for the Lecturer


  1. Intelligence Test
  2. Psychology Test
  3. Academic Test
  4. Medical Examination by CMB


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Computer Science Lecturer Jobs in PAF College Sargodha

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