BPS-14 to BPS-18 Vacancies KP Public Service Commission Ad 05/2023

The latest advertisement for KPPSC Ad No. 05 of 2023 BPS-14 to BPS-18 Vacancies has been issued. These Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Commission jobs in 2023 are on a regular as well as on a contract basis.


KPPSC Ad No. 05 of 2023 BPS-14 to BPS-18 Vacancies


KPK Public Service Commission announced recently vacancies of BPS-17 to BPS-18. It invites all Pakistani nationals both male and female candidates who meet the relevant qualification and experience criteria. Interested candidates can apply online through the official website of KPSC www.kppsc.gov.pk. The department will not consider or entertain any application received by courier service or by hand.


Latest Jobs in Different Departments in KP


Public Service Commission is accepting applications from qualified and professional candidates in different departments.  there are more than 40 vacant positions. Shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview. Successful candidates who are suitable for the relevant post will be posted according to the need of the department in different zones.


Vacancies in Agriculture Department

All Pakistani Nationals both male and female candidates can apply for the post of statistical officer in the crop reporting services agriculture department.


Sr.No Title of Post Basic Pay Scale Total Seats Qualification
1. Statistical Officer BPS-17 19 Master’s degree in statistics economics or math

Elementary And Secondary Education Department


The Elementary and secondary education department invites applications of qualified female candidates for the following vacant position:


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale Quota No. of Seats Qualification
1. Female subject Specialists Statistics BPS-17 Merit 04 Master’s Degree /BS Degree in relevant Field
2. Female Subject Specialist Statistics BPS-17 Disabled 01 Master’s Degree /BS Degree in relevant Field
See also  Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal Vacancies 2023 on Casual, Fixed Pay and Need Basis

Vacant Positions for the Mnorities or Non-Muslim Candidates


Only Non-Muslim candidates can apply for the following leftover vacant position. Male and female candidates can apply in the Elementary and Secondary Education Department:


Sr.No Name of Post No.of Seats Qualification Gender
1. Subject Specialist Statistics 02  




Master’s Degree or BS program in a relevant field

2. Subject Specialist


02 Male
3. Subject Specialist


03 Female
4. Subject Specialist


01 Female
5. Subject Specialist English 02 Male

Health department Vacancies

The health department is accepting applications from eligible candidates for the following posts:


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale No.of Seats Qualification
1. Demonstrator BPS-17 01 B.D.S or Equivalent

Homes and Tribal Affairs Department


Interested candidates can apply for the following vacancies in the Home and Tribal Affairs Department according to their qualifications and experience.


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale Total Seats Qualification
1. Assistant Network Administrator BPS-16 01 Masters’s Degree in Computer Science or Information Technology or bachelor’s Degree in Computer Sciences
2. Network Engineer BPS-16   Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Sciences/ BCS


3. Senior Drill Instructor BPS-16 01 X-Serviceman of Pakistan Army of the Rank of Subedar or Naib Subaidar Qualified in Drill Courses
4. Assistant Programmer BPS-16 01 Masters Degree in Computer Sciences / Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology

Mines And Mineral Development Department


following are the vacant seats in the mines and mineral development department.


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale No.of Seats Qualification
1. Senior Mineral Processing Engineer BPS-18 01 Bachelor’s Degree in Mining Engineering or Metallurgical
2. assistant director mining engineer BPS-17 01 Bachelor’s Degree in Mining Engineering
3. assistant chemist BPS-17 01 Master’s Degree in Chemistry with Specialization in Analytical or Inorganic/ Applied Chemistry
General Instructions


  1. Candidates must pay Rs.500/- as a test appearance fee.
  2. Candidates must upload the required documents with the application.
  3. Only completely filled applications will be considered.
  4. Candidates must apply before the deadline.
  5. E-Portal will be closed after the due date.


Last Date to Apply


Candidates must apply before 18-07-2023.


KPPSC Ad No. 05 of 2023 BPS-14 to BPS-18 Vacancies


BPS-14 to BPS-18 Vacancies KP Public Service Commission Ad 05/2023

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