Allama Iqbal Open University Final Exam Date Sheet Spring Semester 2023

Allama Iqbal Open University announces complete schedule / AIOU Final Exams Date Sheet Semester Spring 2023 for FA/Matric, Certificate Courses, Open Courses/I.Com programs, and different courses and programs. The exams will start on 1st September 2023 and last for 05th October 2023.


AIOU Final Exams Date Sheet Semester Spring 2023


The AIOU University also hires examiners and superintendents to conduct clear exams. Students will soon receive their roll. number slips to appear in the exam. Students can check their subject codes for different programs. Here is the schedule of AIOU for the spring semester, of 2023.


Sr.No Date Day Timing Programs /Course Codes
Certificate and Matric F.A/I.Com
1.       . 01-09-2023 Friday 1430-1730 205 330-1349
2. 02-09-2023 Saturday 1430-1730 200-240 1307-361
3. 03-09-2023 Sunday Holiday
4. 04-09-2023 Monday 1430-1730 209-246-251 376
5. 05-09-2023 Tuesday 1430-1730 212-252 316
6. 06-09-2023 Wednesday 1430-1730 217 308-1347
7. 07-09-2023 Thursday 1430-1730 201 317-391
8. 08-09-2023 Friday 1430-1730 219-254 360-1350
9. 09-09-2023 Saturday 1430-1730 218 344-348-1339
10. 10-09-2023 Sunday Holiday
11. 11-09-2023 Monday 1430-1730 203 303-329
12. 12-09-2023 Tuesday 1430-1730 210-258 345-390-1345
13. 13-09-2023 Wednesday 1430-1730 109-242 346-398
14. 14-09-2023 Thursday 1430-1730 202 386
15. 15-09-2023 Friday 1430-1730 221 305-392-399
16. 16-09-2023 Saturday 1430-1730 260 315-1340
17. 17-09-2023 Sunday Holiday
18. 18-09-2023 Monday 1430-1730 207 387
19. 19-09-2023 Tuesday 1430-1730 220-222 309-394
20. 20-09-2023 Wednesday 1430-1730 258 387
21. 21-09-2023 Thursday 1430-1730 114-206 1346-343
22. 22-09-2023 Friday 1430-1730 110-247 1309-321
23. 23-09-2023 Saturday 1430-1730 241-256 388-389
24. 24-09-2023 Sunday Holiday
25. 25-09-2023 Monday 1430-1730 259 312-1348
26. 26-09-2023 Tuesday 1430-1730 215 342-356
27. 27-09-2023 Wednesday 1430-1730 204-211 365
28. 28-09-2023 Thursday 1430-1730 257 301-365
29. 29-09-2023 Friday 1430-1730 208-212P 355-357
30. 30-09-2023 Saturday 1430-1730 326-347-366
31. 01-10-2023 Sunday Holiday
32. 02-10-2023 Monday 1430-1730 311-329
33. 03-10-2023 Tuesday 1430-1730 39
34. 04-10-2023 Wednesday 1430-1730 1308-313-322
35. 05-10-2023 Thursday 1430-1730 349-369
See also  No Objection Certificate (NOC) Prior to Launching M. Phil Library & Information Science

AIOU Final Exams Date Sheet Semester Spring 2023


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Categories of Programs


Sr.No Semester Programs



Spring 2023

Open Courses
2. Certificate Course
3. Matric
4. F.A
5. I.Com

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