Federal Employees Benevolent and Group Insurance Funds (Establishment Division) Jobs 2024

There is the recent announcement of Contract Basis FEB & GIF Vacancies 2024. These jobs are in Federal Employees Benevolent and Group Insurance Funds (Establishment Division). These jobs are for Assistants and Project Directors. The details are as follows:

Contract Basis FEB & GIF Vacancies 2024


Applications are inverted from suitable candidates for the following vacant posts in FEB&GIF against Benevolent Fund Tower, Blue Area, Islamabad for an initial contract period of two years (extendable on satisfactory performance on mutually agreed terms and conditions).

Candidates fulfilling the following criteria may apply. Candidates are advised to carefully read the terms and conditions (mentioned below) before applying:


Summary of Jobs in Federal Employees Benevolent and Group Insurance Funds (Establishment Division)


Sr No Name of post Number of Post(s)  

Required minimum Qualification

Upper age Limit on Closing date Quota Pay package
1 Project Director (on a contract basis) 1 – Vacancy 1.      University degree in Civil Engineering forms a recognized foreign or local University in the first Division.

2.      Minimum 15 years experience as project Director on high-rise commercial projects out of which 5 years could be as Deputy Project Director or Construction Engineering.

3.      Must have an understanding of Construction terms scheduling and planning concepts.

4.      Proficient in MS project, Word and Excel.

5.      Excellent Organizational, Presentation, and interpersonal skills.

6.      Mist be registered as a professional Engineer with PEC

7.      Must be conversant with the prima era.

8.      Certificate PMP will be preferred.

52 years Merit (on fixed salary as per market contribute with qualification, experience, and ability)
2 Assistant

(BS-15 (on a contract basis)

1 – Vacancy 1. Second-class Graduate in Business or Commerce

2.      Computer skills in MS officer necessary

18-30 years Punjab Minimum of the relevant scale of pay and other allowances as admissible under the rules.

There are also new announcements for Vacancies in IESCO April 2024 for job seekers. These jobs are also on a contract basis. The willing candidates may also apply for these jobs.


Terms & Conditions (T&Cs)


  1. Advertisements can be downloaded from the FEB&GIF website febgif.gov.pk.
  2. The eligible candidates are advised to apply online through the National Job Portal web link i.e. http://njp.gov.pk. Within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.
  3. Only short-listed candidates will be called for a test/interview. No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing in the test/interview.
  4. Candidates will be required to bring Original Documents and two(02) sets of attested copies of the same at the time of the interview.
  5. Candidates already serving in Government Department / Autonomous Bodies/Semi-autonomous Bodies / Corporations etc. should apply through the proper channel.
  6. FEB &GIF reserves the right to fill any vacancy if is circumstances so warrant.


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Contract Basis FEB & GIF Vacancies 2024

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