Federal Government Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division) Regular Job May 2024

There is the recent announcement of Regular Vacancies in the Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division).  These jobs in the MoE Department of Explosives are for male and female candidates from BPS-01 to BPS-15. The details are as follows:


BPS-01 to BPS-15 Regular Vacancies in the Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division)


The summary of the jobs in MoE (Petroleum Division) in the Department of Explosives is as below:



Sr. No. Name of Post BPS No. of Posts Age Limit Domicile/ Quota Qualification/ Eligibility Criteria
1. Assistant BPS-15 1 18-28 KPK Graduate

A 06-week Basic training course is mandatory (including MS Office) from NITB before completion of the probation period

2. Data Entry Operator BPS-14 3 18-25 i.                 Merit 1

ii.                Punjab 1

iii.               Baluchistan 1

Second class or grade C bachelor’s degree with CS/ stats/ math/ physics

Minimum speed of 10,000 key depressions per hour for data entry/verification.

3. Lower Division Clerk (LDC) BPS-11 2 18-25 Sindh (R)


Matriculation with typing speed 30 w.p.m. and 3 weeks Basic training course is mandatory (including MS Office) from NITB before completion of probation period
4. Technical Assistant BPS-08 1 18-25 Baluchistan Matriculation
5. Driver BPS-04 1 18-30 Punjab Primary

Valid driving license holder and well-versed in traffic rules

6. Naib Qasid BPS-01 2 18-25 Rawalpindi/Islamabad (Local)

Multan (Local)

7. Chowkidar BPS-01 1 18-25 Lahore (Local ) Primary

Terms and Conditions


  1. Five-year general relaxation of age in upper limit will be admissible as per existing govt. rules.
  2. Age will be calculated with effect from the last date of submitting applications.
  3. Eligibility of candidates will be determined on the basis of his/her academic qualification and age as given against each post.
  4. A candidate can apply for more than one post by submitting a separate application form for each post.
  5. No TA/DA will be admissible for the purpose of a test/interview.
  6. The applicants will apply through the National Job Portal njb.gov.pk
  7. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for a test/interview.


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Regular Vacancies in Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division)

There are also other job opportunities as APS FWO Vacancies for teaching and Non-Teaching Staff. The candidates may also apply for these jobs as per the criteria.

See also  Punjab Tianjin University of Technology Job Vacancies 2023

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