Promotion Teaching and Non-Teaching Cadres Punjab 2024

Directorate of Public Instructions (EE) Punjab issued a letter on 30-07-2024 in connection with Promotion Teaching and Non-Teaching Cadres Punjab 2024. The details are as follows:


Promotion Teaching and Non-Teaching Cadre Punjab 2024


Subject:- Ensure promotions of teaching (General & Ex. MCL Cadre) and non-teaching Cadres against the posts available balance after current DPC Meetings


Through the information you provided regarding the status of promotion cases / DPC meetings conducted in the month of June and July 2024. The department observed that a number of posts are still available vacant In the districts. They were required to fill through the current proton process.

You are directed to look into the matter personally and explain to this Directorate why having the availability of seats as well as candidates the promotion quota was not fully utilized. The higher authorities have also shown deep concern about this incomplete exercise.

You are advised that all such pending cases may be presented before the departmental promotion committee to discuss the promotion cases of teaching staff (General & Ex. MCL Cadre) and non-teaching cadre against available balance seats and this exercise should be complete by 10.08.2024 with intimation to this Directorate.




Promotion Teaching and Non Teaching Cadres Punjab 2024


Before this, I shared the latest updates on the Promotion Teaching Staff and NTS in Punjab a couple of weeks ago. Now this letter is the most recent in connection with the promotion of teachers and other staff.

See also  Promotion of SSTs of Punjab Schools in BPS-17

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