Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro Jobs 2025

I am sharing the latest Job at Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro for Sub-Engineers Civil and Electrical Vacancies 2025. These Jobs are of BPS-11 THe details of the Jobs are under


Sub-Engineers Civil and Electrical Vacancies 2025


Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro on behalf of the School Education & Literacy Department, Government of Sindh invites applications from males/females for the post of Sub Engineer BPS-11 (at the Provincial level). Eligible applicants must have a domicile in Sindh Province and be permanently residing in Sindh Province. This position is initially temporary but is likely to be confirmed based on performance in the future. The required qualifications, age, residence, and other criteria are as follows:


Jobs in Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro


Sr No

Name of Post BPS Age Limit No of Post


1 Sub-Engineer (Civil) BPS-11 Age Should be between 18-28 years 146-Vacancies Open Merit R U T
65 44 109
Female quota 13 9 22
Minority Quota 4 3 7
Disable Quota 4 3 7
Transgender Quota 1
2 Sub-Engineer (Electrical) BPS-11 Age Should be between 18-28 years 146-Vacancies Open Merit R U T
7 4 11
Female quota 1 1 2
Minority Quota 1 1
Disable Quota 1 1
Transgender Quota

Terms and Conditions


  1. Interested candidates should submit an online application at the website of Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro Portal against the advertised position upon completing the online application. Candidates can download a system-generated Challan for RS. 3010 (three thousand and Ten Rupees Only). Payable at any HBL Branch Mobile into the MUET-CMD Account A/c No.00427991903403). This fee is non-refundable. Candidates applying for more than one post must submit a separate system-generated Challan for each position through the online application process. Please note that manual applications will not be entertained. Only online applications submitted on or before the closing date mentioned in the advertisement will be considered.
  2. Candidates are required to upload CNIC (front and backside), Domicile, PRC/Form-D, one recent photograph, and all academic documents with percentage marks of the university concerned, or any certification and license if required, on the portal when applying online. Note: Completion of degrees mandatory.
  3. The nature of disability will be determined based on the CNIC issued by NADRA, featuring the “Wheel Chair” logo. Applicants with disabilities are eligible to apply only if they are fit for the post.
  4. The applicants should apply for the post of Sub-Engineer (BS-11), subject to the availability of vacancies in Education Works, School Education & Literacy Department. Disability, Minority, and Women quotas & Transgender will be observed as per policies/circulars, dated 06-02-2020, 04-07-2022 & 01-06-2022 issued by the Services, General Administration & Co-ordination Department.
  5. All relevant documents must be issued on or before the closing date. Eligibility criteria regarding age, qualifications, and domicile will be determined as of the advertisement’s last date. The submitted domicile and PRC-D with the application shall be considered final. No change will be entertained, thereafter, on any account whatsoever. Incomplete applications and documents shall not be entertained/processed after the closing date.
  6. Providing fictitious, exaggerated, or misleading information shall result in rejection of the application and termination of employment at any stage.
  7. The cut-off score (passing marks) for the test is set at 50% of the total marks for the advertised post. Obtaining passing marks shall not guarantee a job.
  8. The SE&LD reserves the right to add, delete, or re-allocate vacancy position of Sub-Engineer (BPS-11).
  9. General age relaxation shall be applicable as per the Government of Sindh’s Policy.
  10. Candidates already in Government Service fulfilling the condition or eligibility criteria can also apply through the proper channel.
  11. The candidates are advised to use only their original mobile number in the online application form and avoid mentioning numbers converted to any other network.
  12. The date, time, and venue of the test shall be intimated through online call letters, SMS, and the website of Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro. Further, all the updates and notifications about the test date, admit slips, result announcements or any other information shall be uploaded on Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro portal/website as well. In this regard, candidates must visit the website/portal from time to time.
  13. No query shall be entertained one week before the schedule of the test.
  14. No TA/DA will be given for the test.
  15. The last date for online application & Challan submission is 20th January 2025.
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School Education & Literacy Department Government of Sindh

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