Time Scale Upgradation of Drivers as One Time Dispensation

Office of the Managing Director (PEPCO) WAPDA House has issued letter on 28-03-2019 in connection with Time Scale Upgradation of Drivers as One Time Dispensation. Detail is as under:

  1. It is informed that PEPCO vide of  order No. GM(UR)/HAD/A-332/2525-55 dated 17.10.2011 has allowed two steps Time Scale upgradation to all Employees of all Cadres in BPS-05 to 14 @ 30% of sanctioned posts, having at least 10 years service against the post, passed Departmental Promotion Examination and Mandatory Training through respective selection Board.
  2. PEPCO vide O.M. No. GM(HR)HRD/A-548/1501-1526 dated 28.08.2018 has allowed post upgradation of Drivers from BPS-06 to BPS-08 for LTV Licence holders and from BPS-07 to BPS-09 for HTV Licence holders. The Driver who were already working in BPS-09 could not get any benefit out of above post upgradation. They have requested to allow them BPS-11 as one time dispensation, on the analogy of benefit granted to other Ministerial/Line staff.

Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the letter of Time Scale Upgradation of Drivers as One Time Dispensation.

Time Scale Upgradation of Drivers
See also  Notification of Holiday on 5th December 2024 (Thursday) in Sheikhupura

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