Allotment Government Flats Located Near Landhi Railway Station to Sindh Secretariat Employees

Government of Sindh, Services, General Administration and Co-ordination Department (Estate Office) has issued Notification on 26-07-2019 in connection with Allotment Government Flats Located near Landhi Railway Station to Sindh Secretariat Employees. Detail is as under:

I am directed to refer to the captioned subject and to convey that Government of Sindh has decided to allow allotment of PHA flats located at Landhi Quaidabad, Karachi to the officers/officials of Sindh Secretariat.

  1. It is further stated that the allotment of Gazetted Officers (BS-17 and 18) shall be carried out through balloting of applications received from concerned departments whereas allotment of Non-Gazetted officials (BS-01 to 16) shall be carried out through balloting of applications received from concerned departments.
  2. It is therefore, requested to kindly direct Secretariat employees of your department (list attached) whose names have already been included in the list of PHA flats from BPS-01 to 18 to be present at 12:00 p.m. on 31-07-2019 in the Committee Room, 2nd Floor, New Sindh Secretariat Building No-1, Karachi.

Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Notification of allotment Government flats located near Landhi Railway Station to Sindh Secretariat employees.


Allotment Government Flats


See also  Notification of Minimum Pension 2010 by Sindh Govt

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