Accountant General Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has issued Notification on 04-05-2020 in connection with Anticipatory Pension @ 65% of Last Pay Drawn as an Interim Relief. The details of the same Interim Relief Pension @ 65% of LPC is as under:
Anticipatory Pension @ 65% of Last Pay Drawn (LPC)
- On the proposal of this office, the KP Finance Department, vide their letter No. PA/AFS(Budget)/1-1/FD/2019-20 dated 21.04.2020 has agreed to grant Anticipatory Pension @ 65% of the last basic pay to all those Provincial Government employees who are affected by the decision of the High Court in W.P. No. 5673-P/2019. They shall be paid 65% of the basic pay drawn at their 60th Birthday, irrespective of the pay drawn during the extended period of service.
- The anticipatory pension is an interim relief. Their entitlement to full pension/commutation and calculation/payment shall be completed as and when their pension case, complete in all respect is received, examined, and approved in the respective Accounts Offices.
- For the treatment of overpayment of salaries in all such cases, instructions are given in the Establishment Department’s Order as contained in their No. SO (Policy) (E&EAD)/1-13/2019 dated 16th March 2020 be strictly followed.
- Anticipatory Pension facility is also applicable to all future pensioners till further orders.
- To ensure that the decision for anticipatory pension is immediately implemented, each District Accounts Office is directed to transfer employee personal data from the inactive mode to Pension Roll and start processing the payment through DCS w.e.f May 2020.
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