Latest Notification of Advisory for Government Employees and Offices Sindh

Government of Sindh, Health Department has issued Notification on 09-05-2020 in connection with Latest Notification of Advisory for Government Employees and Offices Sindh. The details of the same Notification are as under:



Advisory for Government Employees and Offices Sindh



  • General Administration shall ensure effective disinfection of the all the offices three times in a week especially surfaces of installations, chairs, tables and doors.
  • All staff shall wear the mask. General Administration shall ensure that all staff is provided with mask to wear.
  • The thermal guns shall be provided at entrance of the department for screening of all officers’ and employees’ body temperatures. No person with fever, cough, flu, shortness of breath and body pain shall be allowed to enter into the office premises.
  • Crowding of people shall strictly be avoided. Every person may be counseled for keeping a distance of 1 meter (3 feet) for seating. Social Distancing messages must be pasted and practiced everywhere.
  • All persons including staff with cough, flu, body ache or shortness of breath and elderly people more than 50 years and with co-morbidities like diabetes, hypertension, kidney diseases, allergic, asthmatic, and immune-compromised state are advised to remain at home.
  • The full staff of essential services and designated/notified offices from time to time shall remain on duty and/or on-call during the course of global emergency of COVID-19.
  • All employees with travel history abroad are advised to ensure strict quarantine at home and social distancing for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19.
  • All persons at offices must perform hand hygiene frequently with soap and water or a hand sanitizer. General Administration shall install sanitizers within office premises and shall ensure refilling on daily basis.
  • The employees should strictly be advised to cover their nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing with your flexed elbow or use a tissue. Dispose the tissue immediately after use. Please avoid spitting and avoid touching your face. The same employee may be advised for home quarantine and testing for COVID-19
  • All the employees should also be advised not to smoke.
  • There should be no office visit by any public during this emergency. However, in case of any public complaint, the online public complaint portal should be circulated in mass media.
  • One-third of office strength staff on a rotation basis should be allowed to attend office by ensuring all protocols of social distancing, infection prevention, and disinfection. The entire staff must be screened for symptoms before calling them to attend the respective offices. However, remaining staff shall be designated for home-based work or meeting through telecommunication channels including ZOOM, SKYPE, or VIDEOCON.
  • There should be a health desk for health education, screening, and awareness regarding COVID-19 in at entry of each department.
  • The toilets must be cleaned and washed regularly by ensuring disinfection protocols. General Administration shall ensure through deploying a sufficient number of staff for this purpose.
  • All symptomatic and suspect employees of the department must be screened and tested for COVID-19 as soon as possible. The Administrative Head of the Department shall forward the list of symptomatic or suspect employees with details (Name, Age, Designation, Address, and Contact Number) to Coordinator, EOC Sindh at [email protected] for sampling and testing at their home.
  • The advisory is issued in line with Home Department Order No. SO(Jud-I)/HD/8-1/(04)/2020-Corona/SOPs Dated: 14th April 2020.


Advisory for Government Employees and Offices Sindh


Sindh COVID-19


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