Jobs in Pak Army NLI Regiment Center Bunji Gilgit

A number of Jobs in Pak Army NLI Regiment Center Bunji Gilgit have been published by the Daily Express dated 01-11-2020. Only Pakistani residents can apply for these Pak Army jobs. The age limit for these vacancies is 18 to 25 years and for the retired army personals the maximum age limit is 45 years.


Jobs in Pak Army NLI Regiment Center Bunji Gilgit


Sr. No. Name of Post BPS No. of Posts
1. Assistant 15 02
2. Supervisor (Data Processing Sale) 14 01
3. Civil Khatib 14 01
4. Computer Operator 12 03
5. Education Instructor 12 03
6. Draft man 11 01
7. Mess Supervisor 10 04
8. LDC 09 01


The department will not allow and TA/DA for the candidates coming for the purpose of the Test/Interview. The candidates can apply only for one post at one time. Candidates can apply for these jobs up to 25th November 2020 and after that date, the department will not accept the applications for these jobs.


Jobs in Pak Army NLI Regiment Center Bunji Gilgit


Candidates must bring a clipboard and a blue ball pen. The candidates should also mention their mobile numbers in their applications. They should attach copies of educational certificates, CNIC, character Certificates, and domiciles.



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