Attendance of Staff on Monday and Thursday (50%) by HED Punjab

The government of the Punjab Higher Education Department has issued a Notification on 01-12-2020 in connection with the Attendance of Staff on Monday and Thursday (50%) by HED Punjab. The details of the same are as under:


Attendance of Staff on Monday and Thursday (50%)


No. SO(Admin)Misc./2020. In continuation of this Department’s notification dated 25.11.2020  following further instructions are hereby issued to all Public and Private Universities, Colleges, Degree Awarding Institutions, and Autonomous Collages w.e.f. 26.11.2020 to 24.14.2020 for strict compliance:

  1. HEC Policy Guidance Note No.8 dated 26.11.2020 regarding online teaching, learning, and exams shall be strictly followed by the Universities.
  2. 50% of official/teaching staff will attend the Colleges on Monday while the remaining 50% will attend on Thursday.
  3. The Pursuance of 50% staff on a rotational basis on Monday and Thursday will be ensured by the concerned Principal.
  4. All activities in the Colleges shall be regulated / Monitored by DPI (Colleges), Punjab.


Attendance of Staff on Monday and Thursday




The summary of the said Notification of HED Punjab is as under:


  • 50% Staff on Monday (Teaching and Other Officials)
  • Remaining 50% on Thursday





See also  Promotion of Lab Supervisors (BPS-14) to the Rank of Lab Superintendents (BPS-16)

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