Rate of Mark-up Chargeable on Advances and Dev Loans 2021-22 Federal


Government of Pakistan, Finance Division issued a Notification on 17-11-2022 in connection with the Rate of Mark-up Chargeable on Advances and Dev Loans 2021-22 Federal. The details are as under:

Rate of Mark-up Chargeable on Advances and Dev Loans 2021-22 Federal


I am directed to state that the following rates of mark-up chargeable on the following categories have been fixed by the Federal Government:


  1. Cash development Loans to the Provincial Governments
  2. Loans to Local bodies, financial and non-financial institutions, and other corporations
  3. Capital outlays of the Federal Government in the commercial departments


Table of Final Rates of Interest


Sr. No Fiscal Year Final rates of mark-up (Per Annum)
1 2019-2020 12.20%
2 2020-2021 10.30%
3 2021-2022 11.20%



In the case of loans and advances for the purchase of Conveyance and House Building, the final rate of markup i.e 11.20% per annum has been fixed for the financial year 2022-2022.


Finance Division also issued the Notification of Revised GP Fund Subscription Rates 2022 on 31-08-2022 for Federal Government employees.



Rate of Mark-up Chargeable on Advances and Dev Loans 2021-22 Federal


Amount of Interest on Advances/Loans


The rates of interest for the following advances will also @ be 11.20% per year:


  • House Building Advance
  • Conveyance Advance

(i) Motorcar Advance

(ii) Motorcycle Advance




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