Fazaia Inter College Nur Khan Teaching Non-Teaching Vacancies 2023

Male and Female Teaching Non-Teaching Vacancies at Fazaia Inter College have been advertised. The Fazaia Inter College Nur Khan seeks applications for the recruitment of new staff. The posts for Teaching and Non-Teaching staff are available. Candidates having the required qualifications and experience are advised to submit applications.


Teaching Non-Teaching Vacancies at Fazaia Inter College Nur Khan



Sr.No Name of Post Seats Section Qualification and Experience
1. Teacher-Urdu

(Male / Female)

03 Primary Section M.A / B.A Urdu Elective & M.Ed. B.Ed. with 5 Years experience in reputation English Medium Institution.
2. Teacher-English

(Male / Female)

04 Senior Cambridge college M.A / B.A Urdu Elective & M.Ed. B.Ed. with 5 Years experience in reputation English Medium Institution.
3. Teacher-Physics

(Male / Female)

02 Senior Cambridge college M.Sc BS Physics  & M.Ed. B.Ed. with 5 Years experience in reputation English Medium Institution.
4. Teacher- Mathematics

(Male / Female)

02 Senior Cambridge


M.Sc Math MBA &  M.Ed. B.Ed. with 5 Years experience in reputation English Medium Institution.
5. PTI


03 Primary section JCO / SNCO Retd of PF & DI trade.
6. General Science

Teacher (Female)

01 Primary section  B.A B.Sc & B.Ed. with 5 Years experience in reputation English Medium Institution.
7. Music Teacher


01 Primary section Proficient Musician
8. SIMS / Network

Administrator (Male)

01 College section B.Sc Computer Science with 5 years experience in Computer Programming & Software Developing



  • The candidate removed or dismissed prematurely from any post at any Fazana  / Government Or Non-Government institution will not be considered
  • The selected candidates will be offered a Competitive pay package.
  • After successfully completing the probation period, the individual will have the  opportunity to avail author provident fund or gratuity scheme (as Copied)
  • The last date of submission of the application along with CV and passport size photograph is 25 Feb 2023
  • Short-listed candidates will be called for interviews. No TA/DA is admissible.
  • Adrees: Fazana Inter college PAF base Nur Khan Rawal Road



Fazaia Inter College Nur Khan Teaching Non-Teaching Vacancies 2023

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