Non-Technical Staff Latest Vacancies Executive Engineer Tube wells Division District Matyari

Executive Engineer Tube Wells Division is hiring experienced candidates for several vacant seats. All vacant seats of BPS-01 to BPS-04 are to be filled on an urgent basis.  Candidates with minimum qualification Primary can apply.


The Latest Non-Technical Staff Latest Vacancies Executive Engineer Tube Wells Division District Matyari


The competent selection Committee of the department is conducting Walk-in-Interview for the recruitment of BPS-01 to BPS-04 Posts. Candidates must follow the interview schedule for a successful interview.


Interview Dates


Name of Post Day /Date of Interview Time of Interview
All advertised posts of BPS-01 to BPS-04 20th June 2023


21st June 2023

09:00 AM


05;00 PM


Executive Engineer Tube Wells Division is accepting applications from eligible candidates. There are several vacant positions in the Division.


Vacant Posts of BPS-04


There are 06 vacancies for BPS-04. Here is detail about no.of vacancies:


Sr.No Title of Post Basic Pay Scale No.of Seats
1. Guard/Daroogha  


2. Colony Gatekeeper 01
3. Driver 02
4. Rest House Bearer 01


 Eligibility Criteria  for BPS-04 Posts


Sr.No Title of Post Qualification
1. Guard/Daroogha Matric Pass
2. Colony Gatekeeper Matric
3. Driver Middle

Driving License HTV/LTV

4. Rest house Bearer Literate


Eligibility Criteria and Available Vacant Posts of BPS-03


Sr.No Name of Post No.of Seats Qualification
1. Reliever Operator 01 Primary Pass


Available Vacant Posts of BPS-02


Sr.No Name of Post No.of Vacancies
1. Gatekeeper MotorPool 01
2. Maali 01
3. Tube Well Chowkidaar 02


Eligibility Criteria for BPS-02 Posts


Sr.No Name of Post Qualification
1. Gatekeeper MotorPool Literate
2. Mali Primary/Literate
3. Tube Well Chowkidaar Able to read and Write


Available Vacant Posts of BPS-01


Sr.No Name of Post No.of Vacancies
1.  Baildaar for Colony 02
2. Baildaar 04
3. Chowkidaar 02
4. Colony Gatekeeper 03
5. Maali 01
6. Naib Qasid 04
7. Sweeper 01
8. Chowkidaar Tube well 27


Eligibility Criteria of BPS-01


Sr.No Name of Post Qualification
1.  Baildaar for Colony Literate
2. Baildaar Primary/Literate
3. Chowkidaar Able to read and Write
4. Colony Gatekeeper Literate
5. Maali Primary


6. Naib Qasid Literate


7. Sweeper Literate
8. Chowkidaar Tube well Primary


Non-Technical Staff Latest Vacancies Executive Engineer Tube wells Division

Important Required Documents


Candidates must reach the following important documents with the application:


  1. CNIC
  2. Domicile
  3. Academic Certificates
  4. Academic Degrees / Documents
  5. Professional Certificates or Experience Letters
  6. 2-Recent Passport Size Photographs


General Instructions


  1. All the candidates must Fill out the application form in an appropriate way. As in completely filled and inappropriate forms will be rejected.
  2. Candidates must attach the verified important required documents with the application.
  3. The department will call all the candidates for skill tests and interviews.
  4. Candidates must bring their original documents at the time of the interview.  Candidates will not receive any traveling for an interview.
  5. Government and semi-government servants can also apply through a proper channel. they must have a NOC certificate from their respective department.
  6. Selected candidates will be recruited under government policy.
  7. There is a specific quota for women and disabled/Minority
  8. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview.


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