Notification Amendments Regarding Annual Confidential Reports (PERs) Punjab

Government of the Punjab, Services and General Administration Department (Regulation Wing) issued a Notification on 10-10-2023 in connection with Amendments Regarding Annual Confidential Reports (PERs) Punjab. The details are as under:

Instructions Regarding Amendments Regarding Annual Confidential Reports (PERs) Punjab


The government of Punjab Services and General Administration Department issued a notification on 10 October 2003. In continuation of instructions about confidential reports bearing number S(R)3542 S&GAD 4-8/65-SO -XIII, issued on 12th February 1968. The Chief Minister of Pakistan Made some amendments without immediate effect.


Amendments Instructions of ACRs


Here is the detail about the amendments of the Chief Minister of Pakistan in the instructions about confidential reports after para 66:


CASE no. 67


In case the reporting officer does not initiate PER despite the submission of PER forms. In cases where an officer to be reported upon has timely submitted his PER form to his reporting officer with copies of the covering letter to the head of the Administrative Department in case of their employees S&GAD and the reporting officer fails to initiate the PER. And Such a period of 02- months has elapsed.  The matter may be brought before Secretary Services S&GAD.

 The secretary will write a letter to the reporting officer for the writing of PERs. If the PERs are again not written by the reporting officer within 14 days of receipt of this letter. Then the Security Services S&GAD will ask the officer to be reported upon to submit fresh PER forms duly filed to the counter-signing officer. He will initiate PER of the officer in cases where there is provision of 2nd counter Signature.  As per the notified reporting officer chart the second counter-signing officer may be asked to counter signs such as PER.

See also  Notification of Health Professional Allowance to the Employees of devolved cadre of NICH

The counter-signing officer initiated the PER. It will attain finality in the case of the single countersigning officer in PER charts and no further counter signature would be required.

The Punjab government has also issued a Notification regarding only five years of PERs for promotion for the employees of the Government of Punjab.





Amendments Regarding Annual Confidential Reports (PERs) Punjab


PERs Amendment Instructions Punjab

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