Notification Amendments Punjab Procurement Rules 2014 (Single Quotation, 3 Quotations, PPRA Ad)

In exercise of the powers conferred under section 26 of the Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority Act, 2009 (VIII of 2009), the Governor of the Punjab is pleased to make the following amendments to the Punjab Procurement Rules 2014, with immediate effect. The details are as follows:


Amendments Punjab Procurement Rules 2014 (Single Quotation, 3 Quotations, PPRA Ad)


In the Punjab Procurement Rules 2014:


  1. In Rule 12:


(a) In sub-rule (1)

(i) for the word “two”, the word “Five” shall be substituted;

(ii) the words “and upto the limit of three million rupees” shall be omitted;


(iii) the expression “but if deemed in public interest, the procuring agency may also advertise the procurement in at least one national daily newspaper” shall be omitted; and

(b) sub-rule (2) shall be omitted:

  1. In rule 14, in sub-rule (3):

(a) The words “in a newspaper or” shall be omitted; and

(b) the expression “, whichever is later” shall be omitted.

  1. In rule 25:

(a) in sub-rule (1), at the end, the following shall be inserted:

“The procuring agency shall upload the complete bidding documents on the website of the Authority.

Explanation:- in this rule, uploading of the complete biddimg documents means that the procuring agency shall upload the bidding documents at the time of uploading of tender advertisement”; and

(b) for sub-rule (7), the following shall be submitted:

“(7) The bidder shall download the bidding documents from the website of the Authority and participate in the procurement process without paying any cost or fee”.

  1. In Rule 59:

(a) in clause (a):

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(i) for the word “below”, the word “upto” shall be substituted; and

(ii) for the word “Seventy five” , the words “two hundred” shall be substil and

(b) in clause (b):

(i) for the word “seventy five,” the word “two hundred” shall be substi and

(ii) for the words “but less than”, the words “and upto” shall be substi and

(iii) for the word “two” the word “five” shall be substituted.

  1. For Rule 67, the following shall be substituted:

“67. Redressal of grievances by the procuring agency.- (1 procuring agency shall constitute a Grievance Redressal Comr comprising of odd number of persons, with proper powers authorizations, to address the complaints of bidder that may occur to the entry into force of the procurement contract.

(2) The Committee may:

(a) decide the complaint lodged by any bidder before the prc submission date;

(b) set aside the decision of technical evaluation committee;

(c) uphold the decision of technical evaluation committee;

(d) modify the decision of technical evaluation committee; and

(e) recommend crapping of the procurement process reasons to be recorded in writing.

(3) Any bidder feeling aggrieved by any act of the process agency after the submission of his hid may lodge a written comp concerning his grievances within five days of announcement of technical evaluation report and ten days after issuance of final evaluation report.

(4) In case, the complaint is filed after the issuance of the evaluation report, the complainant cannot raise any objection on technical evaluation of the report.

Provided that detail technical evaluation report has been uploaded the website of the Authority;

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Provided further that the complainat may raise the objection or part of the final evaluation report in case where single state envelope bidding procedure is adopted.

(5) The Committee shall investigate and decide the complianve within fifteen days of the receipt of the complaint.”

  1. After rule 67, the following shall be inserted:

“67A. Representation or complaint before the Mana Director,- (1) any bidder aggrieved by any decision of the Grieve Redressal Committee may file a representation  before the Mana Director within seven days of communication of the decision.

(2) The Managing Director may suspend the procurement proceedings till the final decision:

Provided that mere filling of a representation does not mean suspension of the procurement process.

(3) In case of violation of any provision of the rules, not being a grievance as mentioned under rule 67 of the rules, any person may file a complaint before the Managing Director.

(4) The decision of the Managing Director on representation or complaint, as the case may be, shall be final.

(5) A fee, to be decided by the Authority from time to time, in shape of demand draft shall be submitted in the name of the Managing Director for filing a representation or complaint, as the case may be. The refund of such fee in case of true and genuine representation or complaint and forfeiture in case of false and frivolous representation or complaint shall be decided by the managing Director on case to case basis.”.



Notification Amendments Punjab Procurement Rules 2014 (Single Quotation, 3 Quotations, PPRA Ad)


Notification Punjab Procurement Rules 2014 Single Quotation, 3 Quotations, PPRA


Single Quotation, Three Quotations and Tender


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