Running Scale/Annual Increment for Untrained Teachers-Sindh Govt

Govt of Sindh, Finance Department has issued letter No. FD.SO(SR-IV)1-275/2007 dated 21-10-2015 in connection with Running Scale/Annual Increment for Untrained Teachers for the period from date of appointment.

According to this Notification, I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to clarify that in compliance with order passed by Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan dated 24-08-2012, this Department vide its letter dated 02-11-2012 has already withdrawn its earlier U.O reference of even number dated 26-01-2009 and letter FD. SO(SR-V)/2007 dated 26-01-2009 (under U.O reference dated 26-01-2009), the Administrative Department was advised to stop issuing orders for allowing running scale and annual increments in respect of untrained teachers from the date of their appointments. And under letter dated 26-01-2009 District Accounts Officers were advised not to entertain such orders issued by the Education & Literacy Department.

It is advised to finalize/decide the cases regarding allowing of running scale and annual increment in respect of untrained teachers from their date of appointments.

Special Thanks to Mr. Tufail Lashari for sending the copy of the Notification of Running Scale/Annual Increment for Untrained Teachers-Sindh Govt.


Runing scale notification



See also  Summary Professional Allowances for Nurses in Balochistan

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12 thoughts on “Running Scale/Annual Increment for Untrained Teachers-Sindh Govt

  1. I was appointed in 3 Dec. 1990 as PST in ELD Sindh. I was untraind till April 1996 when i got PTC course, so i can’t availed annual increments by 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 now after this order of supreme court and issued notification by Finance Dept. Sindh, Is it fruitful for me ? Plz reply the answer thanx.

  2. Last advising note ie No:2 is ambiguous and not clarified whether those retired from education services entitled or not or whosoever untrained teacher brings his fixed pay case should be entertained and decided. Simply one word was to be included in said para can remove this ambiguity….The omitted word is (NOW) AM I RIGHT TO SAY ….JUSTICE FOR ALL….IT IS SLOGAN OF PAKISTANI CONSTITUTION ….but regretfully being said victims should have to go for litigation in courts having Umer-e-Khizr for decision.

  3. Last advising note ie No:2 is ambiguous and not clarified whether those retired from education services entitled or not or whosoever untrained teacher brings his fixed pay case should be entertained and decided. AM I RIGHT TO SAY ….JUSTICE FOR ALL….IT IS SLOGAN OF PAKISTANI CONSTITUTION ….but regretfully being said victims should have to go for litigation in courts having Umer-e-Khizr for decision.

  4. Madam i was appointed as a physical training instructor/teacher in education department sindh in 06-11-2012 and got my running scale in 2014 on the basis of Diploma in physical education kia is notification se mujhe koi faida milega????

  5. salam medam
    i was appointed as pst on 4 nov.1990 in bps 7. but my running scale bps 9 was started on 23 sep.1995 and i did not get 91,92,93,94,95 annual due to the untraind period. now at the moment i am ss bps 17 since 17 sep.2012. when i left the primary cadre my basic was 14710/ rupees in bps 14 time scale. and after being ss my basic was fixed 17200 including one premature increament. medam i want to ask you what should have been my real basic on that time when i was pst 14710 or more of this ammount while 5 increaments are not included. how many increaments i can get after the fixsation of basic in bps 17.

  6. hi admin I am a teacher and I need this order’s copy without the water mark or logo on it because I have to submit it in concerned office in order to get running scale plz mail me a copy so I will be thankful to you thanks


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