Clarification Regarding 30% SSB for the Contract Employees

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued Notification No. FD.PC.2-1/2011 dated 09-03-2016 in connection with Clarification Regarding 30% SSB.

According to this Notification, I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to state that a question has been arisen as to whether grant of 30% Social Security Benefit in lieu of pension for the contract employees is admissible upon the minimum of Basic Pay Scales 2011 or upon minimum after revision of Basic Pay Scales 2015.

The case has been examined and it is clarified that grant of 30% Social Security Benefit in lieu of pension for the contract employees is admissible of the minimum of the relevant Basic Pay Scales in which pay the contract employees being drawn in term of Para-XIII(I)(b) of Contract Appointment Policy 2004.

Special thanks to Mr. Shaheen Rehman for sending the copy of the Notification.


Clarification Regarding 30% SSB


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20 thoughts on “Clarification Regarding 30% SSB for the Contract Employees

  1. Plz tell if a department doesn’t 30% pay social security allowance to employeefrom last 12 years although he was appointed under civil servants act 1974 on contract basis.then can he claim areas for this 30% social security allownce.? Plz mail me notification if any in this regard

    1. the sane case is with me . the department is not paying 30% social security allowance from last 15 years although i was appointed under civil servants act 174 on contract basis.plz tell me if you got solution or any clarification in this regard

  2. mam hamary pass contract employees hain un ki ssb30% nahien mil raha kia enko millay ga ya nahien 2015 basic pay scale. please inform me.

  3. Muhammad Mudassar Butt · Edit

    i contact with concern person in DAO for 30% Social Security, he said to me, ” that there is problem in SAP Software which is use in AG Punjab Lahore, and AG only authorized to solve this problem due to SAP Software, if you will be able to approach & correct it then automatically apply to all Punjab’s contract employees.
    Therefore, any one can please advice me how can i solve this problem.?

  4. AOA mam me school me LA hon r me 2014 me appoint hua the r us wkt meri basic pay 4800 thi r mera ssb 1485 tha r ab meri basic pay 6410 hy to kya ab mera ssb barhy ga kya????? plz confirm me

  5. aoa madam I am in health department as school health and nutrition superior in bps17.for the last 7 year. My ssb is 4800. how much it would be now

  6. Dear Kamran Zaheer.

    Your SSB will be Rs-6404 according to new pay scales. And if you are drawing Rs-2955 then claim from your establishment branch for arear as well as new SSB 30% according to this letter.

  7. Dear Sir/Madam

    I am working in Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Rawalpindi in BPS 17 on contract basis as per contract appointment policy 2004, At the time of joining my basic pay is Rs 16000 and social security benefit is Rs 2955. Now it is revised or not. If yes than please tell how much SSB I will get.
    And also tell me that for TA/DA Claim sargodha is special station or ordinary. Also calculate TA/DA claim for me. I left rawalpindi for official duty to sargodha on 21 Mar 2016 at 1500 hrs (3 PM) and returned back to rawalpindi on 23 Mar 2016 at 0200 hrs (2 AM)

    1. ak hi district mein transfer ager hota hai to un ko TA/DA with one month basic pay with other allowances millain gay? please conform mr.


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