Notification of Upgradation Accounts Assistant in Population Welfare Department Punjab

Director General Population Welfare Punjab has issued Notification No. DG/PWD/Admn/AA/2016/6940 dated 05-08-2016 in connection with Notification of Upgradation Accounts Assistant in Population Welfare Department Punjab.

Upgradation Accounts Assistant in Population Welfare Department Punjab

According to this Notification Accounts Assistant have been upgraded from BPS-11 to BPS-14 and then from BPS-14 to BPS-16 with effect from the dates mentioned against each.

Special thanks to Mr. Anil for sending the copy of the Notification.


Upgradation Accounts Assistant in Population Welfare



See also  Notification of Financial Assistance to the Family of a Civil Servant of Punjab Who Die during Service

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9 thoughts on “Notification of Upgradation Accounts Assistant in Population Welfare Department Punjab

  1. AoA,
    Madam all pages are not accessible. I am unable to download page 2,3,4,5 and 6. Please email me or make corrections so that everyone can access all pages.


  2. Mam please complete order up lode directorate General population welfare Punjab Lahore and writ petition and judgment honorable Lahore high Court please

  3. Madam Please upload the completer judgement and Notification of Family Health Clinic Notification and Order of Up Gradation of Accounts Assistant and Accountant. it will he helpful


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