Notification of Statistical Assistant Upgradation

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division has issued Notification No. F.No.6(4)R-I/2006-831/2016 dated 11-01-2016 in connection with Notification of Statistical Assistant Upgradation.

According to this Notification, the undersigned is directed to Statistics Division’s O.M of the dated 30-11-2016 on the subject cited above and to convey concurrence of Finance Division to upgrade the post of Statistical Assistant from BPS-14 to BPS-15 with further grant of higher scale in BPS-16 to the existing incumbents of the post (as one time dispensation) with effect from 01-07-2016 in Pakistan Bureau of Statistic under administrative control of Statistic Division subject to amendment in Recruitment Rules and filling up the upgraded posts in the manner prescribed in Establishment Division letter of the dated 31-12-2008.

Special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Idrees for sending the copy of the Notification of Statistical Assistant Upgradation.


Statistical Assistant Upgradation


See also  Upgradation of Chief Sanitary Inspector from BPS-11 to BPS-15 – Decision of the Court

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10 thoughts on “Notification of Statistical Assistant Upgradation

  1. respected, i am working as Statistical Assistant in BPS 14. i want to know if any other Statistical Assistant from other department instead of statistics division have upgraded in federal. plz reply.

  2. I am a Assistant statistical officer in fedral government i.e Pakistan bureau of statistics department in BPS 16.
    Now I want a mutual transfer to any other fedral department.
    If any one ready for mutual transfer then contact me.03365025928

  3. All posts are upgraded twice, for example assistant 1st BPS. 11 to BPS. 14 and 2nd one BPS. 14 to BPS. 16.
    2nd example junior auditor 1st time upgrade BPS. 5 to BPS. 7 and 2nd time upgrade BPS. 7 to BPS. 11.
    3rd example senior auditor 1st time upgrade BPS. 12 to BPS. 14 and 2nd time upgrade BPS. 14 to BPS.16.
    But steno cadre was only one time upgraded BPS. 12 to BPS. 14 this is not a justice. …

  4. Respected Sir/Madam

    Mujy please ic k bary main bataya jay k orders kab tak Finance ke websit par upload ho jay ga keo k hamar department tab tak nai many ga jab tak par upload nai ho please mujy bata dain pleeeeeeeeeeeaseeeeeeeeeeeeee


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