Grant of Premature Increment on Upgradation of Accountant Punjab Govt LG & CD Department- Decision of LHC

Decision of Lahore High Court Lahore has been issued on 15-03-2017 in connection with Grant of Premature Increment on Upgradation of Accountant Punjab Govt LG & CD Department.

According to this decision, on up gradation of the post of accountant from BPS-11 to BPS-14 Government of the Punjab did not gran premature increment. So some accountants of Local govt. & community development department Punjab filed case for premature increment on up gradation. So Lahore High Court granted premature increment. Other details can be read on the copy of the orders.

Special thanks to Mr. Saleem Khitran for sending the copy of the decision of Lahore High Court regarding Grant of Premature Increment on Upgradation of Accountant Punjab Govt LG & CD Department.


Premature Increment on Upgradation of Accountant




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3 thoughts on “Grant of Premature Increment on Upgradation of Accountant Punjab Govt LG & CD Department- Decision of LHC

  1. Respected Madam,
    Thank you very much for uploading the necessary documents regarding premature increment on up-gradation. Please once again scan and upload the Lahore High Court writ petition No.3395/2016 in readable condition. So we read the said decision in detail and make a further plan to get one / two premature increment/s on one/twice up-gradations of posts of Junior Clerk, Senior Clerk, Assistant, Field Assistant, Superintendent and Administrative Officer. Once again thanks.

  2. mohammad ayaz nizami · Edit

    Aoa.Mad, Ap ky pass premature Increment accountant order lahore High court es case ki ager complete copy hy to hamin send fermain hamra case high court multan main hy . justice abdul satar sb ny advice ki hy ky complete case ki copy dain dated 17/04/2017 ki pashe ko. please mam send farmain ho skta hy hamra kam ho jaiy .thanks, m.ayaz nizami accounts clerk BPS. 08 Taunsa sharif distt DGkhan . 0336-7474822 .E.mail address. gvtiw [email protected]

  3. This decision is very good news for all the employees. I hope this decision may be applied on all the departments of Punjab Government. The last five pages cannot read. They did not make in good scanning shape. Please scan them once again and then upload for reading. I hope you will soon scan and upload them at an early time so that we read them. Thank you very much for this useful updates.


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