Verification Appointment Letters-Local Govt Department Sindh

Government of the Sindh, Local Government Department has issued letter on 18-04-2017 in connection with Verification Appointment Letters. The detail of the same is as under:


It has been observed with great concern that Local Councils are sending orders of appointment for verification. The most of the orders are pertaining to the years 2012-13. This department is not in a position to verify such orders. The appointment made in the Councils during period 2012-2013 when Local Councils were not in existence such appointments were made by the officers and the record must be available in the council.  The Local Councils are directed to verify each employees of the respective council at its own level and take necessary action against bogus employees.

It is directed that employees who are-getting salaried since 2012, 2013 shall be allowed salaries unless they are removed from the posts after taking section acceding to the rules and procedure.

  1. It is further directed that each council is a corporate body and responsible for taking legal action against the officials who have got appointment through illegal means. The verification cases regarding employees of councils may not be forwarded to this department. However. If any is posted through transfer then the verification may be made from the Department or respective Assistant Director Local Government and concerned ADLFA from where the person is transferred and getting salaries.
  1. In all cases new appointments are banned in councils except sanitary workers on daily wages for which respective councils have sought permission in writing from the Department.
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Special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Waliullah for sending the copy of the letter of verification appointment letters.


Verification Appointment Letters


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