Clarification Daily Allowance Rates 2017 on Official Duty Within the Country

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division has issued Notification No. F.8(1)R-10/2011/400/III dated 15-08-2017 in connection with clarification Daily Allowance Rates 2017 on official duty within the country. Detail is as under:

The undersigned is direct to refer to Finance Division’s Office Memorandum No. F.8(1)R-10/2011-309/III dated 15-08-2017 on the subject above and to clarify that the words “Existing rates” used in para-4 of the above mentioned O.M means the rates on which the Daily Allowances were being drawn at the level on 30th June 2017.


Clarification Daily Allowance Rates 2017


See also  Decision of LHC Rapalpindi Bench Regarding Upgradation of FGEIs Accountant from BPS-14 to BPS-16

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9 thoughts on “Clarification Daily Allowance Rates 2017 on Official Duty Within the Country

  1. Pls clarify the pensions rules for Grade 20, which allowances will be part of pension with the same amount, and which will be calculated for pension formula

  2. Syed Sohail Abbas · Edit

    Being an employee (in BPS-11) of BISE, Faisalabad, I performed duty at Jhang and stayed there with my cousin for three nights in Nov.2017.

    Am I admissible for Accomodation/residential allowance i.e. alternate to hotel charges without receipt?

    Our Finance Officer maintained that within the jurisdiction of the same Division (Jhang falls in Faisalabad Division and situated at a distance of 75 kilometre from Faisalabad). I thinks, the said officer is distorting the TA/DA Rules and giving them the meaning as per his personal will….
    Pl. guide and send a copy of relevant document(s). Thanks

  3. What is the rule for a person who is posted in Karachi, travels to Islamabad on official tour… He had been allowed government accommodation in Islamabad… His Family is living in Islamabad…
    Can he claim Hotel charges on official tour…???
    Can he claim 2 x daily allowance against own arrangement…???

    Kindly clarify soon ….

  4. If an Officer(grade-17) stays at rawalpidi for one night, then how many dailies can be claimed in total?? please specify and clear it… (Note: without hotel receipt)



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