Notification Revised Management Pay Scales 2023 (MP-I, MP-II & MP-III)

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division issued a Notification on 31-11-2023 in connection with Revised MP Pay Scales 2023. According to the Notification Finance Division issued the Revision of Management Pay Scales MP-I, MP-II, and MP-III. The Federal Government also clarified the TA/DA 2023, Medical Facilities, and Gratuity or Commutation on Retirement. They will also get Monetization of Transport facilities at specific rates. The details are as under:



Revised MP Pay Scales 2023 (Revised Management Positions MP-I, MP-II and MP-III)


The finance division under the government of Pakistan regulation wing releases the office memorandum regarding the revision of Management Positions scales MP-I MP-II and MP-III. The section officer directs to refer the divisions O.M.No.3(2)R-4/2011 that is as of 14th July 2023. Regarding the subject of revision management positions said above to state that the Prime Minister approves the revision of management positions and their salary packages with effect from 1st October 2023. The Federal Government did not revise the Basic Pay Scales this year rather it granted Revised Pay Scales 2022 for Federal Government employees.

The revised rates for the Basic Pay, House Rent, and Utilities are mentioned in these tables.


Existing Rates MP-I w.e.f 14-07-2017



Existing Rates MP-I w.e.f 14-07-2017

  Description Min Incr. Maximum
1. Basic Pay Rs.433,959 Rs.33000 Rs.532,950
2. House Rent Rs.101,000 Rs.33000 Rs.142,000
3. Utilities Rs.19,650 Rs.33000 Rs.24,300



Revised Rates of MP-I w.e.f 01-10-2023



Revised Rates of MP-I w.e.f 01-10-2023


  Description Revised Rates w-e-f01-10-2023    
1. Basic Pay Rs.629,230 Rs.47,850 Rs.772,780
2. House Rent Rs.146,450 Rs.47,850 Rs.205,900
3. Utilities Rs.28,500 Rs.47,850 Rs.35,240



Existing Rates for Management Position w.e.f 14-07-2017


Existing Rates for Management Position w.e.f 14-07-2017

Sr.No Description Min Incr Max
1. Basic Pay Rs.181,500 Rs.27,225 Rs.290,400
2. House Rent Rs.66,000 Rs.27,225 Rs.110,000
3. Utilities Rs.8,250 Rs.27,225 Rs.13,200


Revised Rates for MP-III w.e.f 01-10-2023


Revised Rates for MP-III w.e.f 01-10-2023

Sr.No Description Min Incr Max
1. Basic Pay Rs.263,180 Rs.39,480 Rs.421,100
2. House Rent Rs.95,700 Rs.39,480 Rs.159,500
3. Utilities Rs.11,970 Rs.39,480 Rs.19,140


Existing Rates of MP-III w.e.f 14-07-2017



Existing Rates of MP-III w.e.f 14-07-2017

Sr.No Description Min Incr Max
1. Basic Pay Rs.127,050 Rs.18,150 Rs.181,500
2. House Rent Rs.33,000 Rs.18,150 Rs.44,000
3. Utilities Rs.5,775 Rs.18,150 Rs.8,250


Revised Rates of MP-III w.e.f 01-10-2023


Revised Rates of MP-III w.e.f 01-10-2023

Sr.No Description Min Incr Max
1. Basic Pay Rs.184,230 Rs.26,320 Rs.263,190
2. House Rent Rs.47,850 Rs.26,320 Rs.63,800
3. Utilities Rs.8,300 Rs.26,320 Rs.11,970


  1. The division’s departments and organizations will meet the expenditures related to it from their allocated budget.
  2. you have to pay an incumbent will be fixed at the corresponding stage in the revised MP scale at which he was drawing pay before revision.
  3. The revised MPP package is automatically admissible to existing incumbents working in MPP scales. Therefore, the extension will provide if required of dark excising contract of MP scale holders. It will consider only the satisfactory performances of their MP scale holders. The performance evaluation committee will evaluate their performances. So the competent authority will approve the consideration as per rules.


Monetization of Transport Rates 2023 MP Scales


  1. The monetization of transport facilities remains the same as per existing rates.



MP-I Rs.95,910
MP-II Rs.77,430
MP-III Rs.65,060


The terms and conditions regarding this will remain swim as per management position scale policy 2020. That establishment division on 22nd June 2023 issued this policy.


Prerequisites and Facilities Admissible to MP Scales Holders


Sr.No Description MP-I MP-II MP-III
1. TA/DA on domestic Official Tour As admissible to civil servants of the highest grade as admissible to the civil servants of basic pay scale 21 as admissible to the civil servants of the basic pay scale to
2. TA/DA on Official Tour abroad As admissible to the civil servants in Cat-I as admissible to the civil servants in Cat-II as admissible to the civil servants in Cat-II
3. Medical Facilities Reimbursement of medical and hospitalization charges to self-spouse and children for treatment received at government or government-recognized institution in Pakistan as in the case of MP-I Scale as in the case of MP-I Scale
4. Gratuity One month’s basic pay for each completed year of service one month’s basic pay for each completed year of service one month’s basic pay to each completed year of service




Revised MP Pay Scales 2023 by Finance Division


Notification Revised Management Pay Scales 2023 (MP-I, MP-II & MP-III)

See also  Notification Enhancement Remuneration Rates 2023 Examiners and Other Staff FBISE

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