Notification Revision of Conveyance Allowance 2023 Federal to Disable Employees

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division Regulations Wing issued a Notification on 04-07-2023 in connection with the Revision of Conveyance Allowance 2023 Federal to Disable Employees. The details are as under:


Revision of Special Conveyance Allowance 2023 Federal to Disable Employees

As per the Notification, with the approval of the Finance Division Government of Pakistan Regulation Wing issued an OM about the revision of conveyance allowance to disabled employees. The letter is about the provision of Revised increased rates of Conveyance Allowance. Conveyance Allowance increases 100%  per month which is Rs.2000/- to Rs.4000/-.


                The President of Pakistan approves the revised rates of special conveyance allowance admissible to Disabled employees of the Federal Government. These employees are working under the supervision of the federal government paid out of civil estimates and Defence estimates. The allowance will be added with effect from 1st July 2023.


New Rates of Spl CA 2023


The government of Pakistan approves Conveyance Allowance existing from Rs.2000/- to Rs.4000/- per month in addition to the normal Conveyance Allowance.


Beneficiaries of the Spl Conveyance Allowance


As per the letter issued by the government of Pakistan’s finance division regulation wing following are the main beneficiaries of the revised Conveyance Allowance:


  1. Which was declared disabled by the competent medical board before or after joining the service. The nature of disability is not considered.
  2. All the employees are Employed on merit or any type of quota including disabled employee quota.
  3. It is not admissible during a leave of any kind except medical leave of up to one month or casual leave.
See also  Notification New Object Code “Special Allowance 2022 Punjab” in the Book of CoA


Disabled employees are really facing the issues of Conveyance. The Federal Government did a good step and it increased the Special Conveyance Allowance for disabled employees. This action of the Government of Pakistan will really support these employees in their conveyance. They will get some relief from coming to their duty place and back to their homes.


Federal Government also issued Notification of Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 and Ardali Allowance 2023 on 04-07-2023 for Federal Government Employees. This Notification removed some confusion among the employees. The Federal Government Employees will get the ARA-2023 on running or current basic pay as of 30-06-2023.



Notification Revision of Conveyance Allowance 2023 Federal to Disable Employees

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