Notification of Revised Rates for Lumpsum Remuneration

Election Commission of Pakistan has issued letter on 19-01-2018 in connection with Revised Rates for Lumpsum Remuneration. Detail is as under:

I am directed to refer this Commission`s letter of even number dated 15.01.2018 and to say that revised approved rates for lumpsum remuneration as under:

       1. Revising Authorities         Rs. 20,000/-
       2. Assistant Registration officer         Rs.15,000/-
       3. Supervisors         Rs.12,000/-
       4. Verifying Officials         Rs.10,000/-
       5. Display Centre in-Charge         Rs. 15,000/-
       6. Naib Qasid for Display Center         Rs. 5,000/-
  1. In this regard, it is requested to Kindly convey the above mentioned revised approved rates for lumsum remuneration to all concerned under intimation to this Commission.

Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the letter of Revised Rates for Lumpsum Remuneration.


Revised Rates for Lumpsum Remuneration


See also  Notification of Protection of Contract Employees under Contract Policy 2004

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