Notification of Promotion Class IV Employees as Junior Clerk BPS-11

Office of the Chief Executive Officer District Education Authority Multan has issued Order on 03-02-2017 in connection with Promotion Class IV Employees as Junior Clerk BPS-11. Summary is as under:

Consequent upon the approval of the District Department Selection / Promotion Committee ll, Multan in the meeting held on 23-01-2018, the following Class IV Servants / Naib Qasid (BS-1-4) are hereby promoted as Junior Clerk in BS-11 out of 20% in-service Quota. They are posted / adjusted as Junior Clerk in BPS-11 against vacant posts in the offices / schools mentioned against each w.e.f. the date on which he joins;-

 S.No Names & Designation with present place of posting Posted / Adjusted as   Remarks
     1 Muhammad Rehman, N.Q., o/o DEO(EE), Multan Junior Clerk,

Govt. M.C. High school, Chowk Shaheedan, Multan


SNE post

     2 Kamran Ali Shah. NQ % CEO(DEA), Multan Junior Clerk

O/O DEO(EE-W), Multan


Vacant post

     3 Nazir Ahmad, N.Q, Govt. Elementary School, Shah Pur Ubbah, Tehsil Shujabad Junior Clerk, Govt. High school, Jam Pur East, Multan Against

Vacant post


Special thanks to Mr. Naseer Hussain for sending the copy of the Notification of Promotion Class IV Employees as Junior Clerk BPS-11.


Promotion Class IV Employees


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