Notification of Complaint Registration against Private Schools through Mobile, Whatsapp, Email or SMS

Government of the Punjab School Education Department has issued Notification No. SO(A-DI)3-7/2015 (P-III) dated 07-02-2018 in connection with Notification of Complaint Registration against Private Schools through Mobile, Whatsapp, Email or SMS. Detail is as under:

Kindly refer to the subject noted above, I am directed to request you to make arrangements to display the advertisements on the front wall of all the private schools for awareness and further necessary action as per following format: (The format is given at the picture)

Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Notification of Complaint Registration against Private Schools through Mobile, Whatsapp, Email or SMS.


Complaint Registration against Private Schools


See also  Notification of Lighting Arrangements in Public Graveyards

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2 thoughts on “Notification of Complaint Registration against Private Schools through Mobile, Whatsapp, Email or SMS

  1. Muhammad jahanzaib aslam · Edit

    According to government official letter all private and government school off from 1st June . Some private school violate this order and open the school . Plz take action for this school .
    City school habibabd tehsil Pattokiii District Kashur

  2. Khushi chaudhary · Edit

    Orial garamar school jhang road old name alied school orial campus mein teachers ko 2 months sy pay Nhi di gai humay bhi zarort hy so plz take action


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