Government of the Punjab, School Education Department has issued letter on 28-03-2019 in connection with Regularization / Extension in Contract of Educators Recruited in the Year 2015. Detail is as under:
I am directed to refer to the subject cited above.
2. I am further directed to state that different categories of Educators were recruited on contract basis for a period of 05 years under Recruitment Policy, 2014. Their contract is being expire. Govt. of the Punjab, S&GAD Department has issued Regularization of Service Act, 2018 for regularization of contractual teachers. This Department vide letters of even number dated 07.01.2019, 18.01.2019 & 01.03.2019 has already requested you to expedite the regularized of Educators who have rendered 04 years service up to 30.04.2018 subject to fulfillment of requisite qualification and good performance.
By: Mr. Zahid Khan

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