Allama Iqbal Open University E-Registration of Tutors

Advertisement of E-Registration of Tutors by Allama Iqbal Open University has been issued. Last date to apply for the same is 17th June 2019. Summary is as under:

E-Registration of Tutors Allama Iqbal Open University

Allama Iqbal Open University is transforming to adopt ICT enabled portals/application as part of “Digital Transformation” roadmap. In this context, a complete LMS is going to be deployed to improve academic discipline and enhance learning experience of student.  

The “Aaghee Tutors Portal” for e-Registration of tutors shall provide an opportunity to the highly motivated aspirant applicants to get registered and serve for the noble cause of education. This portal is being offered to the qualified and experienced and serve for the noble cause of education. This portal is being offered to the qualified and experienced teachers/faculty members, who have already been registered as Part Time Tutors with the AIOU or fresh candidates’ interest in the registration at AIOU.

Special thanks to Mr. Sarfraz for sending the copy of the advertisement of Allama Iqbal Open University E-Registration of Tutors.

E-Registration of Tutors
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